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Topics - Kozgugore

Event Planning / Game night
January 13, 2008, 04:03:20 AM
Lets see if we can make another one of those sort of weekly (or every two weeks) events. I have different kind of games in mind which, in the past, turned out to be really successful and fun. Combined with a fire, some mead and plenty of orcs this should be a great oppertunity to talk with your fellow orcs a bit and compete in a game or two incase you aren't able to make the usual Wednesday wind downs.

Lets try to get these started every Friday at 20:00 or so.
Event Planning / Covenant festival
January 04, 2008, 04:49:19 AM
We entered a new year once again! A year in Azeroth, a year in Outland, and another year still breathing and alive! For the most of us anyway.

This seems like reason enough to me to celebrate with our friends in the Covenant. A little festival to kick off a hopefully prosperous and glorious year. It will take place two days after our Tribe meeting. Location is as of yet unknown, but feel free to share your ideas!

There will be plenty of activities like drinking, eating, markets, games, storytelling, drinking and perhaps even some contests. Once again, if you have any more ideas and wish to organise anything yourself, make sure you do! It certainly is encouraged. Feel free to ask uncle Overlord if you need anything or whatnot.

I expect to see you all there! It will be a grand party!

Kozgugore Feraleye
Overlord of the Tribe

(( Wednesday 9/1 at 20:00, the Covenant has organised a little festival to kick off the new year. We are yet to think of a location, so if you have any good ideas, do feel free to share them! Also, as I stated above, anyone is free to come up with his own little games, stories, markets or whatever kind of events. If you need any help with any of them, feel free to contact me or any of the other ones organising it.

Covenant link: ))
Event Planning / Tribe Meeting - 6/1
December 30, 2007, 04:41:37 AM
After a long time of relative 'silence', we will be having another serious Tribe meeting once again next week. We will have some important matters to discuss. Let us know if you are able to show up or not. All of you orcs will have your say in it, so it will be worth your time to show your face. Be there if you can!

Iron in the blood.
Kozgugore Feraleye
Overlord of the Tribe

(( Finally we'll be having another real Tribe meeting next week on Sunday 6th at 19:30 in the arena in Orgrimmar. Please let us know in this thread if you will be willing and able to come or not. We'd prefer to have as many orcs present as possible. Some relatively important stuff will be brought up, and of course promotions. ))
Event Planning / Attacking the Burning Legion
December 26, 2007, 07:27:02 PM
To continue our new alliance with the draenei, we decided to start this off with an attack on the Burning Legion in Outland. We will meet at the same time as last week, in Garadar. From there we will move out to the meeting location. Do not bother coming if you are only bend on destroying the alliance because you can not agree with our vision. Go ally some dwarves instead. Those of you who DO realise the potential of this alliance to reunite in a common cause to rid Outland of our common enemy, make sure you come over. Young and old are welcome to lend a hand. The more, the stronger.

For those of you who were not present at our initial meeting, we have agreed with the draenei on a little alliance. No big alliance like the Horde itself, but more like the Argent Dawn, who unite the people of Azeroth for a common cause like we are trying to do, namely the Burning Legion as well. Only then on Azeroth. This means we will regularly organise raids on the Burning Legion's camps and whatnot and meet every now and then to celebrate or talk. Unlike some of you daftheads may think, we are not betraying the Horde. The rules of not attacking the draenei of the Pariah of Argus only count in Outland. In Azeroth, we are still forced to be enemies by the endless war.

We will meet within two moons at dawn in Garadar. Bring some sharpened axes and whatnot along. For the demons, not for the draenei.

Kozgugore Feraleye
Overlord of the Tribe

(( Another cross-faction event with the draenei of the Pariah of Argus. As mentioned above, we'll meet in Garadar this Friday at 21:00. If you're either a grump or a plotting Darkwolf who doesn't want to participate in this event both IC and OOC, you'll be doing me a favour to stay away. I know it sounds harsh but the last event was nearly blown to smithereens because of all the chaos. Cut the orcs who do want to participate and who realise the fun it could be either IC or OOC some slack. ))
Event Planning / Stating the intent
December 21, 2007, 07:24:35 PM
(( An event organised by Dogar of La Danse Macabre. It'll take place this Sunday at 14:00.

Copy/pasta'ed: ))

A note can be found on the walls of various Covenant known locations, it reads:

OOC:(( Setup a small event on loreloom, for sunday the 23 at 14:00 in Thunder Bluff. It won't take much more then 30 minutes maybe 1 hour maximum, the purpose will be to announce an upcoming campaign. I purposefully want to keep information on this forum as little as possible, and intend to work with as much IC ingame contact and mail as possible for this. Hope people will be interested and show up. The note says at least one of each guild/faction, but of course I am hoping for as many people as possible.

If you do plan on coming, please sign on loreloom, so we have an idea how many to expect.))
Event Planning / Wednesday wind down
December 17, 2007, 03:17:57 PM
Every Wednesday night, orcs of all shape, colour and class are invited to the tavern in Ratchet to share stories, and wind down over a good flask of Ale.

(( This'll be a regular event, each wednesday, say 20.00. Come join in, it's a great chance to meet the other players and have some good RP. ))
Game Related / Recruitment
December 15, 2007, 01:25:20 PM
We got some new recruitment threads up and running again on the WoW forums. I'll be updating them every one/two weeks, featuring a different faction. Feel free to give it a few bumps every now and then yourself as well!

Realm forums:

RP forums:
Listen up, orcs!

There are times of war and times of peace. Even the most savage of orcs must come face to face with times of peace every now and then. What I bring you now is a chance to both peace and war.

Several days ago, I was contacted by a draenei who goes by the name of Exaythe the Abjurer. Some of you may have seen her on the fields of battle. She was released when we captured two members of the Alliance forces at the Raynewood Retreat during the battle in Ashenvale. This convinced her we are not the mindless orcs the human propaganda of course claims to be. What she proposes is a way to strengthen our bond between orc and draenei again, which has been broken decades ago during the corruption of our race.

What she proposes is not an all-out alliance. After all, the draenei still are still sided with the pathetic humans and midgets and elves after all. But even now, we share a common foe we both hate more than any pinkskin and midget alike: the Burning Legion.

The Burning Legion has made both orc- and draenei-lives a living hell. If anything, it is our REAL foe, and even as we speak they still corrupt the lands of Outland, like Nagrand, itself. Both we and the draenei want to see this foe lie in a puddle of blood. It would only make sense to band together with the draenei to eradicate those scum from the face of Outland.

You heard it right. Make peace to provoke war. As a united force, we can stand strong against the Burning Legion and their pawns. We will meet at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand, next Friday at 21:00. There, we and the draenei of the Pariah of Argus and perhaps some other individual draenei will shake hands and share a mead or two while we discuss our future. We will come at peace, so do not run about waving your weapons or whatnot. If you will, I am sure either the elements or the draenei will make short work of you.

Make sure you will be there so we can give these draenei a good impression of our might! Perhaps these negotiations might end up fruitful, unlike any previous talks with them draenei decades ago.

Iron in the blood.

Kozgugore Feraleye
Overlord of the Red Blades.

(( OOC explanation:
So there you have it. A completely new oppertunity for a series of very interesting events.

Exaythe of the Disciples of Light approached me with an offer to forge an IC pact with some draenei. Namely the RP guild Pariah of Argus and whoever will follow Exaythe from DoL. The point of this alliance will be to try and make room for some potential events which could turn out to be very interesting, like cross-faction parties, patrols, raids, events - you name it. With the ultimate goal to fight the Burning Legion in Outlands.

The event will take place on Friday, 21/12, 21:00 at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand. Keep in mind this will be a friendly meeting, so no draenei-killing this time. And even if you do, the elementals there are known for giving bad orcs a nasty clout on the napper.

Hope to see you all there. The more the merrier, naturally. ))
Event Planning / Wednesday Wind-Down
December 12, 2007, 11:46:44 PM
Good to see so many people decided to answer Azuril's call today! As time passed, more orcs joined the little party in the Ratchet inn and even got Azuril to tell us an interesting story. Lets try and keep this up and make this a weekly event for the Wednesdays! Grab a mead, eat some meat, tell a story and party along!
Off Topic / Music education
December 11, 2007, 09:25:32 PM
Sort of a new Loial's Corner I suppose.

Some Led Zeppelin will do you greenskins some good! Some clips of their reunion (10/12), to be exact.

Go check them out if you want the only and real deal. I heard rumors Youtube is removing videos due to copyright poop or something, so get them while they're hot. You should. Now!

Good Times, Bad Times


No Quarter

Rock and Roll

Stairway to Heaven

There's a whole lotta more out there, but these are the best I could find quality-wise.
Off Topic / Funny stuff
December 10, 2007, 09:59:36 PM
... Continued as well!

And to start it off, I'll give you some good ole German music.
Game Related / Covenant
December 10, 2007, 09:53:17 PM
As you all know, we are a member of the Covenant. A collection of guilds and individuals, with as goal to achieve things we cannot if we stand alone. Be it raiding the most dangerous dungeons of our realms, or striking against the alliance together, it can all be found in Covenant. Any Red Blade can go to the Covenant site and sign up. Don't forget to also sign up for the Raidplanner created by Oznack, Ghook and Yorla, so you can join any of the events that is posted there.

Covenant forums


The Covenant also has an ingame chat channel, called "Covenant". To join it, simply type /join covenant. Please keep in mind this channel is IC, but allows people to chat OOC by using (( brackets )).
Game Related / Acquiring your own wolf-masks
December 10, 2007, 09:50:12 PM
I decided to make a new topic about this, because I still see a lot of orcs asking ingame where to find their new/special/better wolf-mask. The previous topic about this was the RP-focus topic made by Akesha, but since it has fallen behind and doesn't have a clear listing (unless I missed it), I'm making this one.

The masks are sorted on level, ranging from cloth to plated.

# = Normal look, like Embrace of the Lycan.
& = Bigger look, like Beaststalker's Cap (aka the Michael Jackson - Thriller-look).
% = Broader mask, like Coif of Elements.

Helm of Lupine Cunning (Quest, level 62, Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest) #

Embrace of the Lycan (Drop, level 45, Chief Ukorz Sandscalp, Zul'Farrak) #

Wolf Hunter's Guise (Quest, level 62, Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest) #

Spiritcaller's Mask (Quest, level 67, Mok'Nathal Village, Blade's Edge Mountains) #

Mystical Coif of Elements (Vendor, level 1, Guild Vendor) %

Replica Beaststalker's Cap (Vendor, level 57, Barum, Darkmoon Island) &

Replica Beastmaster's Cap (Vendor, level 57, Baruma, Darkmoon Island) &

Replica Coif of Elements (Vendor, level 57, Barum, Darkmoon Island) %

Replica Five Thunders (Vendor, level 57, Baruma, Darkmoon Island) %

Headdress of the First Shaman (Archaeology, level 61, Orc branch) %

Helm of Lupine Grace (Quest, level 62, Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest) #

Mask of the Howling Storm (Drop, level 64, Nexus-Prince Shaffar, Mana-Tombs) %

Headdress of Inner Rage (Drop, level 65, world drop) %

Mok'Nathal Beast-Mask (Drop, level 65, Exarch Maladaar, Auchenai Crypts) &

Big Bad Wolf's Head (Drop, level 70, The Big Bad Wolf, Karazhan) %

Helm of Lupine Ferocity (Quest, level 62, Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest) #

Moonfang Shroud (Drop, level 1, Moonfang, Darkmoon Island) #

As you may have noticed (and expected), you won't have a lot of choice other than grinding Zul'Farrak pre-level 60. Post-60 however, there's plenty of choice in Outland (especially if you're a mail-wearer). Good luck getting your wolf-heads out there!

NOTE: If you are desperate to wear one of the masks you acquire from a quest, and already vendored the quest reward earlier, you could always petition a GM and ask for a item-restore. Note that this action should not be taken lightly, as you can only use this function a certain amount of times on every account, and this is the same function used for restoring lost items should you have been hacked. Use this option with caution!
Applications / Orcish dictionary
December 10, 2007, 09:47:29 PM
Here you will find a compiled list of all orcish words and sentences that are commonly used throughout the Warcraft universe. With the exception of the first list, keep in mind that the translations might not be completely precise as there is no official source for translations.

  • Aka'Magosh - A blessing on you and yours.
  • Amaukwa - Breath of Moon.
  • Bin mog g'thazag cha - I will protect you.
  • Dabu - I obey.
  • Dae'mon - Twisted soul/Demon.
  • Dranosh - Heart of Draenor.
  • Garona - Cursed.
  • Garrosh - Warrior's Heart.
  • Gar'mak - Anguish.
  • Gol'Kosh - By my axe.
  • Grombolar - Bowels of the giant.
  • Grommash - Giant's Heart.
  • Kagh! - Run!
  • Kosh'harg - A bi-annual orcish celebration.
  • Lak'tuk - Suffering.
  • Lo'Gosh - Ghost Wolf.
  • Lohn'goron - Hero's Sojourn.
  • Lok-Narash - Arm yourselves (alternatively: Lok-Narosh).
  • Lok-Regar - Ready for orders.
  • Lok-Tar! - Victory! (A war cry as well as a greeting)
  • Lok-Tar ogar! - Victory or Death! (war cry)
  • Lok'amon - Traditional orcish song sung about starting a family.
  • Lok'tra - Traditional orcish song sung about a battle.
  • Lok'vadnod - Traditional orcish song sung about the life of a hero.
  • Mag'har - Uncorrupted.
  • Mak'gora - Duel of honor. A challenge for leadership of a group. Under Thrall, the duel is generally a non-lethal combat, but under the old ways, it was to the death.
  • Mak'Rogahn - Duel of will. An honorable duel between two fighters when one's honor has been questioned. So long as the loser does not surrender, and fights until passing out or the bell is rung, both fighters are considered winners and get to drink the rest of the night. If the loser does surrender, s/he was traditionally exiled from the clan.
  • Mok'nathal - The Sons of Nath.
  • Mok'ra - Greetings.
  • Mok-thorin ka! - Engage the enemy!
  • Nagrand - Land of the Winds.
  • Nelghor - Loyal beasts.
  • Nelghor-shomash - Cry of the Beasts.
  • Nok-Karosh - Warrior's Death.
  • Om'riggor - Orcish rite of adulthood.
  • Oshu'Gun - Mountain of Spirits.
  • Swobu - As you command.
  • Throm-ka - Well met (alternatively: Throm'ka).
  • Trk'hsk - Bloodshed in battle. (Some orcs in the Durnholde area use the word with a different meaning, namely "that sacrificed to the earth in order to make crops grow")
  • Ur'gora - "Not-honor". Considered the worst possible insult an orc can use.
  • Wachook - Female incapacitated by pregnancy.
  • Wor'gol - Wolf Home.
  • Zug-zug - Acknowledgement and agreement; roughly the equivalent of "okay".

The following words and sentences are speculative. No official translation or use has been given on them, though they may be commonly used here and there.

  • Kor'kron - Sons of the Horde.
  • Lok-Regar no'gall / on-dabu - Ready for orders.
  • Mok-thorin ka! - Battle cry.
  • Thrall-Hall - Thrall's Honour.

The following words are commonly used by the clan and are most usually seen as words derived from the Red Blade dialect.

  • Gosh'kar - Disciples of the Totem.
  • Gug'ye - Farewell.
  • Gul'thauk - Dark Knives.
  • Kosh'mahar Ravash - Take what they owe.
  • Kra-Maggar - Summer games.
  • Nag'Ogar - Iron Warriors.
  • Rrosh'ka Valokh - Blood for our blades.
  • Rrosh-tul - Blood Guard.
  • Shok, Arash, Vrashaa - Free, strong, proud.
  • Thur'ruk - Spirit Speakers.
  • Varog'Gor - Wolf Claws.
Off Topic / Now playing and a bottle of pills...
December 10, 2007, 09:44:54 PM

Machinae Supremacy - Arcade
Game Related / Wiki-work
December 10, 2007, 09:42:38 PM
With this lovely new site Azuril got together, it's time to pay some more attention to our wiki as well! Some of its data is somewhat outdated so try to join in on the writing if you want to!
Event Planning / Ogre hunt: 15 December
December 10, 2007, 08:01:20 PM
(( Copy/pasta'ed from the old forums. Original post by Grimwolf. ))

OOC: Its a long OOC bit, i apologise..
         Right, basically, just a small idea i had back in ashenvale, which needs adding too. So far its just as it says ^^, an Ogre hunt. Those of you who have read Rise of the horde, and some who havent i guess, will know about the old Ogre hunts, where a band of orcs would go off and kill a few Ogres, rarely a Gronn. Well, it starts like that. A March from either Garadar or Zabra'jin depending on whether it is just ICly some of the Tribe hunting Ogres and (With any luck from the spawns) a Gronn, or if its some sort of IC rememberance of the Old times when Clans warriors would march off and Hunt the only true enemy the orcs had at the time, to Warmaul hill where we'll kill us some Ogres!. And all un-needed loot and money collected off mobs and sold trash could be donated to the Guild bank for whatever its needed for. Possible chance of this turning into a Chain of IC hunts of different animals/mobs for something like the Ashenvale hunt or the Nesingwary hunts or something to get some predator/prey hunting going on  ;)
     We'll need a party of five at the most, but if enough people want to go along we can always repeat it or something.

IC: "Red Blades! Grab y' Bows, staffs, daggers and Axes! We're gonna hunt us some Warmaul in the land of Winds, or whats left of it. *Chuckles* We'll march out from One of t' Hordes outposts in t' nearby area and Show 'um t' Wrath of t' Orcs, incase they forgot 'bout us! You honorable lot might even bag yourself a Gronn or two, Ancestors willin'..
Event Planning / Death to the Stormwind warlock
December 10, 2007, 05:02:57 PM
(( Copy/pasta'ed from the Covenant forums. ))

Death to stormwind warlock council

The warlock council of Stormwind has been convicted and sentenced to death at Saturday 13:00

After a thorough investigation by members of the Nightcry Coven and the Hand of Twilight it has been discovered that the recent killings and attacks that have been taking place in Hellfire Peninsula have been caused by the warlock council of Stormwind.
At first it was thought that the warlocks in question were acting without guidance it was discovered after heavy torture by Master Chaen that this is not the case.

The warlock council has put agents in place all through Outland and Azeroth to hinder our progress and stop us from succeeding in our cause.

We do not know if they are guided by the burning legion, but we do know that we must put a stop to it.
A plan is being put in place where two elite forces will go forth to return with the heads of the warlock council.
This execution will take place at this Saturday at 13:00 hours.
If you wish to be part of the elite squad please sign your name on the application form below
The Campfire / Another plan, another fate
December 10, 2007, 04:15:17 PM
(( Reposted. ))

   â€œLet them cowards be. Drive a political war with each other instead of a good, fair fight against a human,” the orc grumbled, aimed at no one in particular as he sat on his wolf overlooking the tree with the daemon Mannoroth’s armour attached to it, slain by his warchief Hellscream. He followed Hellscream all his life, and is still convinced he should have been the only leader of the Old Horde. Those were better times. No divided orcs and not dependant on the other races but the orcs themselves. The Old Horde was a Horde of unity and combined strength of all clans. An unstoppable force that was bound to conquer every corner of any known world. Not unlike now, when every individual has his own ideas of how to achieve victory.
   He pulled his wolf-mask down a bit to cover his face better. He wasn’t happy the way he ended up. What used to be a simple scout and grunt of the Warsong made his way to an Overlord of a tribe of an old, orcish clan. A proud tribe, that much should be said, but lately cursed with inner conflicts and a lack of real battle. He grumbled as he sunk deep into his thoughts.
   It was a mistake of him to allow any of those orcs to lead their own rabble with their own ideas. Now he had to pay the price. They were all attending their own matters, no doubt unaware of this orc’s intentions.

   He slowly strode to the city’s main gates. There he was welcomed by his worg, who was already waiting for him alongside what looked to be a slender orc, though ready to travel to the end of the world, by the looks of it.
   â€œThey have become ah group of lazy tailors who fight with their own shadows instead of the real enemy,” the slender orc said as the wolf-masked orc approached the gates, greeting his worg with a piece of red meat. “I go back to the warm”.
   â€œThey are like elves,” the wolf-masked orc replied. “Too occupied with their own greediness instead of working for the Tribe. Too busy trying to set up their own rabble to overthrow us, no doubt. Fanatics make unreliable friends.”
   The slender orc nodded in agreement. “Let them be. See how they do without anyone to lead them for a week or two.”
   The wolf-masked orc grumbled, but still gave in with a nod. “That is the hard way to let them know this is serious. I do not want to get my head on a pole for burying my axe into some disobedient orc’s skull, so only this remains. Give orcs a free rein or let them become too individual, and they are bound to break up and divide. The storms of fate will decide the outcome. Lead on Claws.”

   They both walked out of the gates. Not with their heads down, not with their chest proudly aimed forward neither, but as simple orcs. The kind that knows its purpose and goal. Wherever it may lie in the fresh, unconquered lands of Kalimdor. Whatever they may be searching for, no doubt they might come back unspoiled and with new ideas, or never again.
Applications / Guild Rules
December 09, 2007, 02:22:27 PM

  ¤  Orcish Lore  ¤  Orcish Timeline  ¤  Red Blade History  ¤  Red Blade Culture  ¤  Great Spirits  ¤  Red Blade Ranks  ¤  FAQ  ¤ 

1. Argent Dawn is an RP realm and Orcs of the Red Blade is an RP guild.
You will be expected to do your best to Roleplay your character. This includes every aspect of the game. If you wish to duel for example, then roleplay the situation and ask for a duel in character. Treat every interaction with another player as a roleplaying opportunity.

Say, Yell and Guild are all In Character channels. You are expected to remain IC at all times and treat them as what your character says out loud. Please try to avoid abbreviations in these channels. Your character would not say he was going to WSG, they would say they were going to Warsong Gulch. Using abbreviations is lazy and spoils immersion for other players.

Party and Raid channels may be In Character or Out of Character as agreed by the members of the party or raid. If the leader of a group wishes the party or raid channel to be IC, then please respect that decision.

Orcs of the Red Blade operate an Out of Character channel, which may be used to discuss any aspect of the game. If you join the guild, you will be told the name of this channel and how to join it.

2. Treat all players - including the enemy - with respect and tact.
Any form of disrespect or harassment of other players is not acceptable. This includes taunting of other players, making malicious or derogatory remarks and misuse of public chat channels. Do not publicly make negative or insulting remarks about other guilds. Do not engage in arguments with other players. Remember at all times that the way you behave towards other players, affects the reputation of the guild.

When posting on the official Blizzard forums, please remember that your post carries not only your character's name, but the name of this guild. Do not make any post which reflects badly on Orcs of the Red Blade. Any member who makes posts which are insulting to other guilds or players, may be asked to edit or remove it.
Under no circumstances should any member (other than an officer of the guild) make a forum post which could be interpreted as an official statement from the guild.

3. Play an active part in the guild.
All members are expected to play an active part in the guild. If you are online when a whole guild event is taking place, you will generally be expected to take part in that event in a positive way. Players who choose not to take part in events, will not be promoted within the guild.

There is no restriction on how often we expect you to play, however we reserved the right to remove characters who are inactive for a period of six months or more from the guild if necessary. If you know you are going to be absent for an extended period of time but intend to return, please let us know.

4. Roleplay your rank and behave appropriately towards other ranks.
Remember that your character fits into a social hierarchy. In character, you should behave in an appropriate way towards orcs who are of either higher or lower rank than you. Take time to decide how your orc views members of the other ranks.

If you are talking to a lower ranked orc, you may be respectful or scornful, friendly or indifferent. You might even be threatening or insulting towards them depending upon the personality of your orc. When talking to higher ranks, your orc might be respectful, serious, fawning. You might be out to impress or you might have a 'you don't scare me' attitude. Whatever your orc thinks of the leaders of the tribe, they should treat them as just another orc.

Another thing to note is that the New Blood rank is not allowed to wear the guild tabard due to IC reasons. Once you have passed your tests and achieved full membership however, you will be given your own tabard. We know there are a lot of potentially good-looking tabards out there, but as a fully inducted member of the Orcs of the Red Blade, you will be encouraged to always wear our tabard with pride.

5. Player killing.
We accept that killing members of the Alliance is part of the game, even if they have a lower level. It is however not allowed to Corpse-Camp them, kill them repeatedly and intentionally grief the person behind the other character. Remember that, as a true orc, you are expected to act with honor in these situations.

6.Terms of Use, Cheating and Hacks.
It should go without saying, but all members are expected to abide by the official terms of use: no sharing accounts, no selling gold, no selling accounts, no using third-party software to manipulate the game or bot your character. This also means you must be in full compliance with the policies that go for an RP-realm.

7.Have fun!
Yes that's right, its a rule, you have to follow it, no discussion possible. Having fun is mandatory. After all this is a game, and having fun is the most important thing there is. So as long as you, and the people around you, are having fun, all is good!