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I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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Such shouty people in here, gosh.
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Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
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Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
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Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
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Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
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Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
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*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
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Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes

Started by Sadok, January 20, 2013, 05:40:50 PM

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((Main Conclave thread: http://www.defiasrp.com/t5322-h-arcane-conclave-sixth-session-16th-january-2030))

Sadok's Open Letter to the Arcanists of the Horde

"Scattered about the vast dusty libraries and raging battlefields of this world, none have contributed more to the Horde's myriad magical and military advances than its proud Arcanists. Though held in greater esteem amongst the Forsaken and Sin'dorei, those that practise the eldritch arts are still subject to fear and suspicion in the very heart of the Horde, Orgrimmar. Consigned to the Cleft of Shadows amongst the thieves and rogues, it is here we will gather in defiance of those who fail to recognise our place in the Horde - I extend this invitation to arcanists of all Horde-allied peoples, and to both orthodox magi and warlocks of a moderate disposition. Here we will assemble to pool research, exchange precious tomes and reagents, and discuss matters of importance to both mage and warlock.

This Conclave will be founded upon the ethos that the arcane is a means to an end, rather than the end itself - a tool to build cities and a weapon to secure victory. It will be founded upon willing cooperation, mutual respect and ties of blood and honor, rather than violet-hatted banal etiquette and decorum. It will be founded upon equality and egalitarianism rather than absurd hierarchical constructs: mage or warlock, orc or elf, apprentice or Archmage, all will be accorded equal importance in this gathering.

All of you know these intrinsic truths: knowledge is power. With the collective knowledge and expertise of many arcanists gathering together, this Arcane Conclave will achieve far more than the sum of its parts - for the individual pursuits and interests of each arcanist, for the advancement of apprentices and veterans alike, and most importantly... for the Horde!

-Sadok Sharptongue, Thur'ruk and Champion of the Red Blade Tribe."


From the notes of New Blood Gorta of the Red Blade Tribe:

The First Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held in the Arcane Enclave of Orgrimmar on the twenty-fifth day of the seventh cycle at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance comprised of (in the spirit of the Conclave, ranks omitted):
- Sadok Sharptongue
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- Abulos Sunwing
- Siual Greydusk
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Karaga
- Asirael Nightshade
- Solanum Devilsgrave
- Challus Mercer
- Gorta
- Crothu
- Morgeth Feralheart

  • Sharptongue asked the various members of the Conclave to introduce themselves, including name, affiliations and arcane specialties.
    • It was evident that the Conclave was a stratified gathering of many different arcanists, both racially (five orcs, five Sin’dorei, one Forsaken and one goblin) and magically (many with experience in invocation, a number specializing in abjuration, divination and conjuration, a handful of demonologists). Sharptongue reminded the Conclave that despite their many differences, the only way this union might hold is through mutual respect and egalitarianism.
    • The first matter raised concerned the Conclave’s relationship with the Kirin Tor. A number of the gathered (principally Fireleaf and Greydusk) had connections to Dalaran, and spoke of the vast resources the Kirin Tor commanded, both in tomes and in research assets. Mercer expressed the dissenting view that the Conclave should stand alone, and that the Kirin Tor’s neutrality was realpolitik at best - he however admitted that neglecting such resources in a time of war would be foolish. After arriving at a consensus, it was decided that Fireleaf and Mercer would attempt to establish relations with the Kirin Tor, and return to the Conclave with their progress at its Second Session.
    • Afterwards, Sharptongue raised a matter of principle - that despite their sometimes vast differences, both magi and warlocks were consigned to the Cleft within Orgrimmar, and that they experienced the same hardships within the city. He proposed that the members of the Conclave attempt to coexist despite their differing backgrounds, and that if any personal or magical dispute flared, it be resolved amicably and painlessly. This matter was received positively by the gathered arcanists.
    • Sparks raised a matter of his own - scouting patrols south of the Maelstrom had encountered thick obfuscating effluvium (read: mists) and elevated levels of ley energies. Mercer raised the view that it was likely a dysfunctional ley line in the wake of recent dragon-apocalypse related disturbances around the Maelstrom. Fireleaf queried whether the mist was natural or magic-based, and Sparks resolved to inquire further with his family’s contacts.
    • Following Sparks, Mercer raised an issue regarding the location of future sessions of the Conclave. He proposed holding each session at the Arcane Enclave, claiming the gloom favored his lumbago - Fireleaf opposed, stating holding sessions in multiple locations would expand the influence of the Conclave and foster a spirit of equality. A vote was held, with four in favor of holding every session in Orgrimmar, and six in favor of holding sessions in a number of locations (two abstaining). Mercer offered the Magic Quarter of Undercity as a location for the next session, and this was received favorably.
    • Mercer also wished to discuss the matter of who should chair the Conclave going forward. Sparks claimed that Sharptongue’s conduct thus far was satisfactory, and that he remain chair - this sentiment was echoed by several others, and a motion of confidence was passed in Sharptongue remaining chair [strike]and undisputed arcane dictator of the Horde.[/strike] [redacted]
    • Sunwing spoke next, stating that after a period of turmoil, the Magisters of Silvermoon were once again united. He courteously offered their services to any wishing aid in arcane-related matters.
    • Devilsgrave raised a matter of his own, wishing to coordinate the Conclave’s efforts to pool resources and share research during and between sessions. He spoke of recent advancements and new techniques that might be tested. Feralheart queried whether these new techniques concerned orthodox arcane or demonology (using less than diplomatic language to compare said techniques to shooting fel ejaculate into the faces of the Convocation) - Devilsgrave clarified, claiming it referred to demonology but that new techniques were being developed in all areas of magic.
    • Sparks raises a final matter, querying the relationship between the Conclave’s internal rules and Horde laws, and whether the Conclave should assert its own magical laws. Sharptongue spoke candidly, claiming that in his opinion the Conclave was cooperative rather than authoritarian, and that any attempt to police magic inside or outside of the Conclave’s immediate influence would both be ineffective and distract from its other functions.
    • There were no further matters, and the session was adjourned, to be reconvened next cycle at the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.



From the hastily-scribbled notes of Sadok Sharptongue (personal note: coerce Apprentice Gorta into attending Third Session to spare oneself the irksome binary duties of minute-taking and chairing the incessant rabbl-- I mean, Conclave):

The Second Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity on the twenty-second day of the eighth cycle at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance comprised of:

- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Arryn Karloke Goldhawke
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- Xavier Silverblood
- Tya
- Lin’ith Veil
- Gregorias
- Mathrodar Blacksling
- Kristeas Sunbinder
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Solanum Devilsgrave
- Morgeth Feralheart
- Six non-arcanists of the Shatterskull warband (led by Zombini and Hikka Redeye)

There were also three late arrivals:
- Unidentified Sindorei female wearing Kirin Tor colors
- Unidentified Ssssssssindorei female with a sssssssserpentine drawl (possible relation of Rasonal Dranger)
- Feltrand Ravensun


  • Before the Conclave officially began, several non-arcanists of the Shatterskull Marauders made their presence known, wishing to communicate a warning pertinent to the Conclave. Redeye translated following Zombini’s inarticulate attempts at something resembling orcish: she warned of a dangerous individual known as Illisara, who had targeted both the Shatterskull caster regiment and various magic-users in Silvermoon.
  • It was explained that Illisara’s organisation ‘The Ashen Ascendency’ had hired members of ‘The Sixty Thieves’ to aid her in her goals - her motive was unknown, but she remained highly dangerous in spite (or because) of this. Feralheart claimed this Illisara had previously assailed her, and brusquely proposed ripping her spirit from her rectum. Redeye claimed that the Shatterskulls possessed a supposed list of possible victims that might find themselves targeted by the Ashen Ascendency - those affected would be notified discreetly at an unspecified later time.
  • With that said, the Enclave began in earnest. Noting the plethoric quantity of unfamiliar faces, Sharptongue asked the various members of the Conclave to introduce themselves, stating name, affiliation and arcane specialties. After initial confusion over the advanced concept of introductions proceeding counter-clockwise, this was done.
  • Sharptongue enquired as to whether any progress had been made in regards to the prior session’s intent to contact the Kirin Tor. Fireleaf revealed her efforts had yielded ‘no mutual interest’ - Sparks voiced his outrage at such a statement. Tya claimed Dalaran would remain stubbornly neutral unless faced with a direct threat. Veil agreed, claiming recent belligerence under Hellscream may have left the Kirin Tor less eager to partner with the Horde - she then suggested directly contacting the city’s Sunreaver faction. Considering Dalaran’s vast resources, a second attempt at forming a working relationship was agreed upon. Silverblood would communicate with a former mentor affiliated with the Sunreavers, whilst Sparks would use his contacts in the Dalaran High Tinker Council.
  • Gregorias spoke next. He offered the Vaults of Undercity as a place to store various artifacts and magical items. Sparks queried whether he could rent ten square miles to Gregoria’s surprise - he clarified that this was for particular items alone rather than mass storage. An unidentified elf (wearing the colors of the Kirin Tor) made the same offer on behalf of House Lightrunner, but Gregorias was insistent the vaults were superior.
  • A ssssssecond unidentified elven female wished to sssssspeak. Enunciating with a peculiar drawl, she sssssspoke at great length without ssssssaying much of ssssssubstance. Devilssssssgrave and Sssssssilverblood urged her to get to the point - ssssssshe explained that ‘the College’ could assssssssist in contacting the Sssssssunreavers, and it was agreed that ssssssshe would ssssssspeak to Ssssssilverblood following the ssssesssssssion to further dissssscussssss thissssss.
  • Silverblood had a statement of his own concerning the relationship between the Magisterium and other arcanists of the Horde - he offered their assistance but the implicit understanding that this cooperation would be returned in kind. Sparks also offered the aid of the Tinker Houses.
  • A rather-late male Sindorei next wished to speak. Introducing himself as Feltrand Ravensun, he claimed to be excited to see so many of a ‘non-magical nature’ gathered. Sharptongue queried him on this remark - he clarified that he spoke of the Shatterskulls. Sparks and Ravensun then began to argue about the others’ respective knowledge of magic, but Sharptongue asked that they resolve their differences following the meeting rather than bickering during it.
  • Sharptongue next queried the location for the Third Session - Fireleaf suggested Silvermoon, which won a consensus. Afterwards, Ravesun offered use of Dalaran, but questions were raised to his status in the Violet City, especially in relation to the previously-discussed stalled negotiation with the Kirin Tor. Sharptongue then announced that the Third Session would take place in Silvermoon on the twelfth of the ninth cycle.
  • Zombini of the Shatterskulls wished to speak once more after the Conclave had adjourned - he asked for any questions concerning Illisara. Sunbinder claimed a representative of the Ashen Ascendancy had spoken at the last Silvermoon Council, and Zombini said he would discuss this privately afterwards. Devilsgrave queried whether the Horde were being exclusively targeted - Zombini was uncertain but claimed that his warband would not assist Alliance victims.
  • There were no further matters.


From the hastily-scribbled notes of Sadok Sharptongue (a lone island of judicious acumen in a vast sea of empyreumatic iniquity):

The Third Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held within the Hall of Respite in Silvermoon City on the twelfth day of the ninth cycle, at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance comprised of:
- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Gregorias
- Ralanthus Acarian Litussis
- Warano Lightslash
- Sylvaelynn Sin’talah
- Nathaira (unidentified serpentine elf from the Second Session)
- Feltrand S. Ravensun
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- Crothu
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Mayaine Solarflare
- Aishling Silversun
- Narcissa Carrow
- Delidah Fizzlecrack
- Shayla Bloodsin
- Izaa Scorchwench
- Frizleproket
- Whizzpopp Crackpan
- Morgeth Feralheart
- Kristeas Sunbinder
- Tya
- Unidentified vagrant (elf female)


  • Personal note: the complexion of the Conclave is changing. Whilst a large number of elves at the Silvermoon session is no doubt expected, the number of orcs has slowly decreased as the number of goblins (short greenskins with correspondingly-short tempers) has increased. My first hypothesis was that said orcish arcanists had shrunk in the wash, but that was proven untrue. I must remember to investigate further at a later point.
  • The first matter raised was one of continuity. Sharptongue inquired as to any further progress in the Conclave’s ongoing diplomatic relations with the Sunreavers, and through them, the Kirin Tor. Unfortunately, neither of the selected envoys (Devilsgrave and Silverblood) were present. Solarflare claimed she would seek an update from Devilsgrave in between sessions.
  • Silversun spoke next. A number of requests had been made to access Silvermoon’s arcane libraries - whilst this would usually be innocuous, several describing themselves as ‘pandaren’ had been amongst the requests. She asked what should be done about these requests, unfamiliar with the race and not wishing to risk the safety of “Quel’tha-- the Horde” (shrewdly played, elf).
  • Gregorias was quick to claim that these ‘pandaren’ were members of the Horde, but others had heard word that they fraternized with the Alliance. Reactions were plainly mixed: Crackpan and Sparks saw no issue, claiming research was research no matter who or what they were; Solarflare wished to sate her curiosity by dissecting one; Nathaira recommended cautioussssssnessssss; others were confused by what exactly a ‘pandaren’ was.
  • As Silversun continued to ask guidance, others were plainly not interested by the matter at hand, voicing their apathy brusquely - Fizzlecrack wished to change topic, and Crackpan suggested holding her own Conclave (with a buffet), and Gregorias claimed it was a political matter rather than one concerning the Conclave.
  • Sharptongue quickly asked those gathered to be to be patient, keep to one matter at a time and allow Silversun closure on her matter. In the end, it was to decided to seek clarification with authorities in Orgrimmar as to the status of pandaren, and what their rights and privileges should be in regards to access of arcane resources.
  • The matter concluded, Fizzlecrack spoke next. She read from arcane-oriented propaganda encouraging magi and warlocks to enlist in the war-machine, promising them newfound freedoms. Many applauded the edict, lauding Hellscream and the coming times of war; others remained silent and dour. Carrow, a vocal dissenter, claimed Thrall’s ideals were being slowly eroded.
  • At this point, Bloodsin and Silversun left, the latter having been requested elsewhere. A few others quietly left shortly thereafter, possibly as a result of the Kor’kron edict (or perhaps just boredom).
  • Nathaira next ssssssspoke, describing discriminatory laws affecting warlocks and magi alike. She demanded that Silvermoon review these laws. The reaction was not sympathetic however, with several telling her to propose these reforms in the political arena rather than the Conclave, and others claiming there was no discrimination of magi in Silvermoon. Sharptongue agreed with the consensus, stating the Conclave neither could nor would attempt to interfere with Silvermoon’s governance, and that the matter would best be raised at the next Silvermoon Council.
  • Sharptongue returned to the call to arms, enquiring how arcanists might aid the war effort in particular. Crothu simply suggested immolating the enemy, whilst Fizzlecrack proposed combining exothermic explosives with magic - Sparks and Ravensun claimed such incendiaries were basic, and that arcanists should consider more advanced techniques. Indeed, Ravensun suggested abjurational shells on front-lines and Solarflare described using teleportation magics to move armies and fleets.
  • As ever, the problem was a matter of imagination versus logistics, especially where translocation and portals were concerned. Another issue was arcanists amongst the enemy - Ravensun claimed the Kaldorei might easily decrypt a proposed ley-based communication network. Sunbinder countered that the night elves’ arcane knowledge was several millenia outdated, but Gregorias claimed there was no way to be sure of that.
  • Sharptongue went on to propose the use of illusion cantrips for reconnaissance and espionage, with the end-goal of allowing an entire army to pass into an enemy city undetected until the time of attack. Solarflare and Crackpan noted that masking scents would be an issue, especially where tracking hounds and Gilnean lycanthropes were concerned - Crackpan suggested rolling in dung for the authentic human smell. Finally, Sharptongue suggested that the Conclave might further hypothesize and research ingenious arcane warfare by the time the fourth session came.
  • Finally, Gregorias requested aid with his ongoing research against the Ashen Ascendancy. He wished blood samples from the Conclave to analyze common traits and find out why the mage-hunters were targeting certain arcanists. Litussis was skeptical, requesting the testing apparatus’ blueprints, or at least to peruse his notes, but Gregorias could not produce them. Feeling Gregorias’ request either disingenuous or futile, very few gave samples.
  • There were no further matters.


From the well-maintained, cogently-articulated affichage of Sadok Sharptongue (a bastion of astucious sagaciousness plunged into an amaranthine chasm of inane imbecility):

The Fourth Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held within the Hall of the Brave in Orgrimmar on the twenty-fourth day of the tenth cycle, at half-past the eight horn.

Attendance comprised of:
- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Crothu
- Delidah Fizzlecrack
- Chrysojin
- Eedor
- Tamika
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Abulos Sunwing
- Solanum Devilsgrave
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- A number of non-arcanists (malcontentment to follow)

Preferatory Notes:

  • While preparing the room for the Conclave, Sharptongue was halted by several members of the Kor’kron and instructed to vacate the premises, which they laid claim to. After seeking out and discussing the matter with one Khrona, a compromise was reached that would allow the Conclave to meet that evening with no further harassment. (Disgruntled aside: perhaps the Kor’kron should remember that in a post-Theramore world, the arcane may be the answer to the Horde securing victory in the war. Allowing the Conclave undisturbed time and space to discuss matters is therefore imperative.)
  • When the gathered arcanists began to introduce themselves, the one known as Tamika claimed to belong to the Ashen Ascendancy, a renegade mage-hunting organisation the Conclave have previously been warned of. After initial shock and anger, Tamika clarified that she was from the Ashen Ascendancy, an identically-named but otherwise unrelated splinter group. I have therefore personally concluded that the Ashen Ascendancy should seek a change of name to avoid confusion with the Ashen Ascendancy.

  • The first matter raised was one of continuity, from the Second Session (delayed at the Third Session). Neither of the selected envoys to the Kirin Tor (Silverblood and the ‘snakelady’) were in attendance, but Devilsgrave had heard that progress was lacking. Sparks described a stir amongst the Kirin Tor as of late - Jaina Proudmoore’s return to Dalaran, and the rumored death of the Kirin Tor’s leader at Theramore, had served to whip the Violet City into a fervent disdain for the Sunreavers and the Horde in general. With the Conclave’s chance of establishing a diplomatic relationship with Dalaran in heavy doubt, it was decided to discontinue further attempts to contact the Kirin Tor - the Horde would have to rely on its own resources alone.
  • The discussion continued further. Tamika made an inflammatory remark that Theramore was ‘somewhat neutral’ and thus never a ‘real’ enemy for the Horde. Devilsgrave expressed disbelief at the notion, and Sparks stated the Alliance were using Theramore’s harbors to invade the Southern Barrens. Tamika nonetheless claimed that the victory at Theramore had resulted in making an enemy of Dalaran - Chrysojin claimed that such was but speculation, and that none could know how the Kirin Tor will act. Tamika went on to accuse Hellscream of conspiring to murder Rhonin, and called him a ‘fool’. Sharptongue cautioned Tamika against accusing the Warchief of foolishness within Orgrimmar’s walls - she issued a short apology.
  • The second issue was somewhat related. Sharptongue opened a discussion on whether the mana bomb used at Theramore was the future of arcane warfare, or whether it was a step too far. While Fizzlecrack enthusiastically praised the mana bomb, Devilsgrave termed it a ‘horrible abuse of our art’, especially when at the command of bloodthirsty generals. Sharptongue noted that the deployment of the bomb had saved lives, by shortening the battle and through future psychological warfare.
  • A tauren non-arcanist interjected (one who had clearly not grasped the basic concept of an Arcane Conclave) that the Theramore bomb was rumored to have used a powerful focusing iris, one now in the hands of the Kirin Tor.
  • Then high drama occured: Tamika expressed disdain that one of the non-arcanists who had chosen to stand in the back (for some inexplicable reason) was pointing an arrow at her. Sharptongue asked the non-arcanist, a Shatterskull troll called Redeye, to put the weapon away or leave - the troll would not relent, claiming that Sharptongue held no authority over her. Sharptongue then appealed to the troll’s superior, Chrysojin, claiming it was a grievous enough offense to tolerate the presence of non-arcanists at the Conclave - for them to disrupt proceedings with violence was entirely unacceptable. Chrysojin ordered Redye to put away the bow - this was done begrudgingly.
  • The discussion continuing, Sunwing remarked that it may be impossible to create another bomb of such power. Fizzlecrack claimed to be conducting experiments to duplicate the bomb’s effect, and asked whether the Conclave would like a demonstration. For the sake of Orgrimmar not becoming a smoldering crater, she was however advised not to.
  • The next matter was raised by Devilsgrave - he asked for a capable scryer, and claimed it was time to engineer a strategy against the Ashen Ascendancy. With Tamika present, however, Chrysojin questioned the merits of such discussion. Tamika claimed Silvermoon had found her innocent, but Redeye spoke of Silvermoon ‘suckin’ so hard dem own yeast-infected cocks’ (a brusque remark to say the least).
  • Tamika then voluntarily removed herself so that discussion might take place. Though unorthodox and high-risk, the prospect of tracking down an ‘Illisara’ through blood magic was raised. A hemomancer of the Shatterskulls were suggested as the best candidate, with Sunwing also willing to do such. It was stated that the scryer would be at risk of being tracked down themselves, and so would need protection. Fireleaf and Devilsgrave claimed to know some that would be willing to help protect the scryer, but Chrysojin would not accept anyone but Shatterskulls to protect a Shatterskull scryer. It was agreed in the end to further pursue the proposed blood-scrying stratagem.
  • In a final matter, the position of Chair was in question, the Conclave having returned to Orgrimmar for the first time since the First Session. None wished to contest, however, and Sharptongue received a full vote of confidence for the next three sessions, or until circumstances dictated otherwise (a tragic zeppelin accident was suggested).
  • There were no further matters and the session was adjourned.

  • It is my intent to formally exclude non-arcanists from all subsequent sessions.
  • I should not have to properly explain why those with no love or knowledge of the arcane should be permitted entry to the Arcane Conclave of this Horde. Nonetheless, my decision comes as a result of various uncivil incidents started and perpetrated by non-arcanists (particularly in this Fourth Session) that have disrupted and nearly entirely derailed the discussion at hand.


From the notes of Sadok Sharptongue (minimal circumlocution required):

The Fifth Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held within the Temple of the Damned in the Undercity’s Magic Quarter on the twelfth day of the twelfth cycle, at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance compromised of:

- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Abulos Sunwing
- Siual Greydusk
- Aishling Silversun

Preferatory notes:
  • While waiting for any final members of the Conclave to arrive (few did, incidentally), the subject of conversation inexplicably turned to romance. A goblin tinker, elven magister and orcish arcanist discussing the psychopharmacological effects of a hypothetical ‘sha of love’ sounds more like the preamble to a lewd joke rather than a magical gathering of integrity and seriousness. Quite the shambles.
  • In the period leading up to the Conclave’s commencement, the importance of the Jade Forest front in the Pandaria war was underlined by Sharptongue, who stressed its pre-existing native infrastructure, sea-links and bountiful resources (namely lumber and indigenous warriors).
  • As the session began, formal introductions were not deemed necessary due to the familiarity of each Conclave member to one another.
  • Sharptongue laid out the single important matter that the Conclave might help to address - how the gathered arcanists might together use their magical specialties to aid the Horde in conquering the Jade Forest front. This matter dominated the next horn and a half of discussion.
  • Sunwing first spoke of the prospect of a communicative network utilising scrying stones. He claimed this as an improvement over messengers, due to increased efficiency and reduced chance of being waylaid by Alliance or native threats. He claimed Silvermoon might have the appropriate stones available as soon as a day’s time.
  • The possibility of Alliance magi intercepting the signal was noted, to which Sharptongue suggested the use of an argot code unintelligible to outsiders. The associated vernacular is currently in development, and will be distributed to any appropriate persons versed in the use of the scrying stones.
  • Sharptongue briefly raised the idea of using illusion magic to disguise scouts, sending them into Alliance encampments. The lack of sufficiently-trained illusionists combined with the Alliance’s counter-magic defenses rendered the plan unfeasible, however.
  • The next matter proposed was establishing a short-range portal gateway within the Jade Forest, using a succession of temporary anchors - their benefit might include faster response to enemy incursions, or the ability to bypass enemy garrisons. Its emanations would be detected by the enemy before long, and so defense would prove vital, however.
  • The first difficulty laid in establishing a power source, however. Though Sunwing offered to use an adapted surge-needle device to divert the local ley-lines’ power to the anchors, the area’s unfamiliarity meant there was no knowledge of the location of these ley-lines.
  • Discussing their options, the prospect of asking natives for ley-line locations was dismissed as possibly bringing upon unwanted suspicion. Sunwing claimed the mogu were magically-minded, and though inactive engrams had been seen by Sharptongue the night prior during scouting, they were too hostile to be of use.
  • Finally, an arcanometer was suggested - a mechanimagicological device capable of measuring ambient arcane energies and thereby extrapolating the rough location of ley-lines in the proximity. Though a more exhaustive process, it might hopefully enable the process to be conducted with minimal hostile interference. Sunwing claimed he could acquire an arcanometer within a couple of days.
  • Silversun next made a more incendiary proposition (in multiple senses of the term) patterned on the Scourge acquisition of Stratholme. Speaking of a heavily-fortified barricade, she wished to place an illusory enchantment upon low-yield mana bombs, disguising them as vital supplies and allowing them to be placed within the Alliance encampment until the moment of detonation. While Sunwing and Greydusk objected on ethical grounds, Sharptongue noted that it would breach the terms of war agreed two nights prior.
  • With mana bombs ruled out, alternate explosives were suggested. Normal explosives were deemed not effective enough, but Sharptongue raised the prospect of a force that might drain the energy of their enemy - two mogu relics seized the night prior after a fight with the Alliance. The source and true effects of the relics were unknown, however, and it was agreed that one of the relics might he handed over to the Reliquary for immediate examination.
  • Sunwing claimed he would use his Council position to attempt to fast-track the relics’ examination, after which tense words and expressions were exchanged between him and Silversun. Perhaps more Silvermoon politics this orcish mind cannot understand, or perhaps an elven mating ritual.
  • With no matters remaining, the session was adjourned, but the measures agreed will be followed up in the days to come - the distribution of scrying stones, collection and examination of the relic, and readings made with the arcanometer. It is my private hope that the Conclave proves itself useful in the battles to come - unfortunately, the events of Theramore have turned many fearful or suspicious of the arcane, rather than appreciating its true worth and potential in this war.


Official Kor'kron correspondence.

Official Kor'kron correspondence written on the back of another letter to... conserve paper supplies. Definitely not because blank paper couldn't be found. No sir.

Voza’s Official Report for the Attention of Legionnaire Grimgash, concerning the Arcane Conclave - the Sixteenth Day of the First Month, Quel’thalas.

In attendance:
Voza (Kor’kron Overseer), Izaa, Moneyfix, Vurnin, Eztral, Solanum (Session Chair), Crothu, Siual, Gromgeth, Aishling, Kristeas (called in during the session by Chair).

  • Voza first asked the names and affiliations of all in attendance. This was so that they might get to know one another better, and assuredly not so that their names would be forwarded to Orgrimmar and logged on a private registry of suspected dissidents. Some were uneasy, but all in attendance gave their (presumably real) names.
  • Voza stated that he had been sent to oversee the Conclave, and that all were accountable to Hellscream. With temerity, Moneyfix was quick to note that the Kor’kron hold no power or position in the Conclave, drawing murmurs of agreement. Siual stated that the founding principles of the Conclave made it a strictly magical and apolitical organisation, and Solanum said that he had come to speak with fellow arcanists, not heed the commands of the ‘hairless ape’. Voza despairs that Hellscream should be insulted so.
  • Moneyfix claimed that even if the Kor’kron had power, Sharptongue (not in attendance) remained Chair. Voza stated that an Enemy of the Horde cannot be Chair, and both orcs agreed with him. Solanum asked how many truly believe Sharptongue to be disloyal to the Horde, but Voza noted that opinion was irrelevant - if the Kor’kron say he is a traitor, a traitor he is.
  • A substitute chair had to be selected. Voza humbly and graciously volunteered himself, claiming he would show the others how to be Horde - this was met with a less than favorable response. Siual suggested Solanum, and while Aishling noted he had his hands full already, Solanum was willing to chair this meeting, and see what lay ahead for future sessions.
  • Solanum asked if any had magical matters they would speak of. Voza inquired as to the Eversong Plague, and the possibility of using magic in its treatment and prevention. Solanum noted that fire was effective against the Plague. This drew mixed reactions, as the orcs relished the prospect of incineration, Vurnin and Siual noted the prospect of the fire raging out of control, and Aishling queried whether fire would make the Plague airborne.
  • Siual next noted research done by Magister Abulos, concerning utilising the energy of the Sunwell in conjunction with runestones and Arcane Sanctums to contain the Plague. He claimed Kristeas Sunbinder would know more, and the elf was indeed outside - he was summoned inside by Solanum (figuratively rather than literally). Sunbinder discussed the plan, noting that the fusion of arcane and divine magics in the Sunwell would weaken the affliction.
  • Kristeas noted that while there was no cure, it would be only a matter of time until one was found. Crothu asked how many had contracted the Plague, and Sunbinder answered three. He said there had been no deaths thus far, and no reports of reanimated wildlife.
  • Solanum was concerned as to the likelihood of more attacks, but Aishling noted such a topic would be better suited to the Horde Gathering. The origin of the Plague was briefly discussed, as some believed it to be stolen from the Forsaken, and others noting the possibility of a direct Forsaken attack. Crothu noted it could have been a natural occurrence, which provoked outrage from incredulous elves.
  • Solanum inquired if any had suggestions as to prevent further attacks. Voza suggested scrying orbs mounted upon buildings, which largely fell on deaf ears; Solanum then himself proposed mana barriers around infected areas, similar to Dalaran’s containment sphere. Voza noted such a barrier would need a strong power source to be sustained for long durations, and Siual raised the prospect of siphoning energies from the Sunwell for such a task.
  • Beginning to move to final matters, Solanum asked whether there was a method to contact Sharptongue. Gromgeth claimed he could contact him, but would not reveal how - this provoked curiosity and mild suspicion from some (especially me). Voza snarled that there would be contact with honorless traitors and enemies of the Horde - Eztral remarked that under Hellscream’s rule, everyone would be an enemy of the Horde before long. Gromgeth nonetheless promised he would speak to Sharptongue.
  • The location for the next Conclave was next raised. Voza was keen to advocate Orgrimmar, ‘safest place in de Horde’. Siual proposed Thunder Bluff to escape the Warchief’s immediate influence, and Gromgeth lambasted him for behaving as though Hellscream was an enemy. Solanum nonetheless stated the Conclave would next head to Orgrimmar, as a show of loyalty to Hellscream.
  • With matters concluded, Voza thanked the Conclave for airing their thoughts so clearly for him. Eztral asked why the troll ‘lapdog, taking key and note’ was permitted, but Aishling claimed the guards of the Warchief were always welcome. Solanum asked to look at the notes Voza had been taking all the while - Voza tried to leave quickly, but was stopped by Aishling and threatened by Siual and Eztral. Trapped within the Sanctum, he surrendered his notes and left angrily - these listed his threat assessment evaluation, as detailed below... after having to write it again.
Threat assessment evaluation:
Voza (me!): Most loyal and respectful friend of Hellscream and Kor’kron there ever was.
Izaa: Hurts Voza’s feelings with taunts.
Moneyfix: Anti-Kor’kron anarchist with no respect for authority.
Vurnin: Hesitant about giving name. What does he have to hide?
Eztral: Repeatedly speaks in deadmon tongue. Open criticism of Warchief.
Solanum: Disdain for Warchief. Wishes to contact an enemy of the Horde.
Crothu: Self-proclaimed Hellscream loyalist. Trustworthy.
Siual: Limp-wristed idealist.
Gromgeth: General pro-Kor’kron sentiment, but seems to have contacts with known enemies of the Horde. Very suspicious.
Aishling: Said little either for or against Hellscream, but forcibly prevented Voza from leaving! Dissident.
Kristeas: Largely neutral. Typical politician.

This so-called Arcane Conclave is filled with dissidents and anarchists with no respect for Kor’kron or Warchief, and the worst of these are the most influential. Moneyfix, Solanum and Siual in particular are to be considered legitimate threats, and Gromgeth’s disturbing links to traitors should be further investigated. Voza or Crothu should be forcibly installed as Chair to set a good example, and organisation should be militarized to serve the Warchief.