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Messages - Thranorg

Applications / Application: Thranog Proudfang
January 22, 2019, 05:20:41 PM
Name: Thranorg Proudfang

Level: 110

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience: Im new to Horde RP but i have been rping Alliance for a long time mostly night elves but i wanted to give Horde Rp a go to see what it was like because i love the idea of the orc and shamanism. The idea of Shamanism seemed really interesting to me

And finally, please write a short story and/or (IC) introduction about your character:

Thranorg, an orc native to Draenor wields the power of the spirits. Although not a warrior he felt a deep connect to his home he would heed the whispers of Draenor and try to serve his ancestors as best he could. He came to Azeroth at the young age of 12 barely an adult unlike his brethren he did not choose to come to the new world out of conquest and war but to connect to a whole new world. The whispers of Draenor had all but disappeared but upon this new world they were loud and vibrant sometimes not just whispers.
He learned to control the elements of this new world, he would offer advice and wisdom to those who sought it despite his young age.

Now an old man of 60 he still offers his wisdom to those who need it and in his age he still fights against those who would do his clan wrong whilst holding on to his honor.