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Messages - Lars

I'll just throw some good reading book recommendations out there.

The Player of Games - Iain M. Banks. Solid hard sci-fi with a very non standard world with a rather interesting plot. Far more about the personallities living in the tech than the tech itself.

Stranger in a Strange Land, and Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein. Nuf said.

2001 A Space Oddesey - Arthur A. Clarke

Fallen Dragon - Peter F. Hamilton. Very good standalone novel by one of the current living masters of Space Opera. (Even if his prose could stand to become better. His worlds and societies are always interesting)

Neverwhere, Stardust, Anansi Boys, American Gods - Neil Gaiman. Four stand alone books all rather different from each other. One being a murder mystery, one being fairly tale inspired, one being a personal drama, one ... being a different beast entirely. All fantasy to some degree or other. Great language about (The last one is about twice the length of the other three in the (imo) best edition).

The Wee Free Men - Terry Pratchett, technically a children's book. Still glorious. Set in his "Discworld" universe
Mort, Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett, two books in his discworld series that are both the start of two different group of characters and both are great starts. Even if you can in practicality pick up any book from the discworld and only miss the big tie ins.

The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro. A book about being a butler and growing old while driving across the British country side thinking about the past. If this sounds like not your deal, don't worry. Read this in class and was one of the only person in a class of 20 who actually enjoyed it. Because the language it's written in is fucking magical. If you read for a compelling narrative. No, this isn't the book you look for. If you ever start reading for character exploration and pure love of language. This will become a must read.

So, that was some stand-alone books (Technically maybe the Pratchett books aren't stand alone. But who cares, it's Pratchett!)

If you ever want a mammoth task. The most epic of epic fantasy existing today.
The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Stephen Erikson. A 10 book beast with several books written by him and the universe co-creator Ian C. Esslemont setting up more things of the world, side stories, and more things happening after the main piece and before the main piece.
Where George R. R. Martin went for some realism in his writing, they went for fantastic in theirs. (Even if, compared to actual history A Song of Ice and Fire is tame and non-treacherous. We tend to dislike reading narratives that mirror what actually happen because it seem's "unrealistic").

The Farseer Trillogy - Robin Hobb. Personal favorite. Not to everyones taste. Has far more stuff in the same universe if that one is liked.

Sadly my reading of non sci-fi/fantasy fiction has gotten sidetracked by reading non-fiction about history (mostly Roman) for the moment. Same with practically any reading of fiction. xD

*goes back to hugging his book written before the bible was curated by a Roman Greek living during the age of the Antonines*
Off Topic / Re: Last spam wins 9!
March 06, 2017, 01:16:26 PM
Quote from: Kronnor on March 05, 2017, 09:28:42 PM
Oh, sorry that I want to own the games on Steam but I don't live in a privileged country where 20 euros is not a big deal. You're right, I should stop using the cheapest method to buy games...
The problem with that is most cheap keys on G2A are from credit card and account frauds.
So someone who steals card information, buys lots of keys for a game, then sells them cheaply.

I try to avoid buying games on steam outside of sales for the reason I can't afford to spend that much. But going to a grey market re-seller where I might be buying stolen goods. That I'll never do.
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
January 11, 2017, 06:35:49 PM
I found it funny.
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
January 11, 2017, 05:24:45 PM
I was waiting for when someone would notice =D
Checked at 10, saw that no one had posted. And went "Ok, gotta see this!"
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
January 06, 2017, 04:51:51 PM
Quote from: Nosh'marak on January 05, 2017, 09:13:05 PM
That gave me a nice ol' chuckle xD But snow is nice. Cozy, cancels school sometimes, hot cocoa... It's great in every way! <3
Also from the South of Sweden
The one time in my life I can remember schools were canceled due to weather was because of hurricane warning. Didn't want kinds walking out when roof-tiles might be blowing in the wind.
Snow? Nah, not even that time it came 2 dm's over an evening and morning before a monday.
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
January 01, 2017, 02:54:57 PM
Because you don't balance your alcohol with enough water and food, and just straight up drink to much so you poison yourself.
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
January 01, 2017, 12:46:29 PM
It's fine!
The biggest possible throw in Dota has already happened this year!
Can only improve from now!
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
December 27, 2016, 05:28:15 PM
My suggestion would be go to khan academy and slowly get back into it. Might be in English and the layout might be US focused. But they have everything there, just need to start.
Doing maths can be both fun and relaxing if on the right levels and there's no teacher standing breathing down your neck. If you used to love doing it I'd highly suggest starting it up. (A few years ago when I did I pretty much started from "I know the basic ways of counting and a bit more" and went to "I've caught up pretty much" in 5 months. Which was middling high-school maths).
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
December 27, 2016, 01:06:13 PM
If a trivia question ever asks after "who did it?" Always keep "Euler" or "Gauss" in mind. Then you're practically garantueed to be right 75% of the time if you guess the right one of those two
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
December 27, 2016, 09:59:16 AM
e to the power of i times pi plus one equals zero?
It's Euler's Identity and one of the most beautiful things within mathematics ^_^

As, for one tiny formula, it contains five important constants, and is derived from Euler's formula to present them in a very simple way.
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
December 27, 2016, 12:06:18 AM
*posts more smart stuff*
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
November 21, 2016, 01:21:11 PM
What's the difference between a well-dressed man on a unicycle and a poorly dressed man on a bike?

Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
November 11, 2016, 02:51:55 PM
Need to watch the latest episodes in season 20 ...
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
November 05, 2016, 11:07:10 AM
It's first of December unless there's already snow. If there's already snow hope you've changed tiers or you leave the car at home if you don't want to break the law.
So most people who live where it snows in October changes tiers then.
Off Topic / Re: LPW7, Fight!
November 02, 2016, 06:26:43 PM
Hope you've got space and time.
But border collies are amazingly cute. Good luck with demanding doggy!