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Topics - Gordug Bonechewer

The World at War campaign conjured by [H]Rargnasha and originally [A]Eloresh was a nice initiative to have the people moaning about wanting more wPvP something to look forward to. However, this series of events was to be taken IC, irrespective of the lore, force distribution and the size of the nations of armies involved.

The Dwarven army in the lore has strong control over Loch Modan, therefore Loch Modan is a green zone, an alliance zone. The Horde butchering their way through for two hours once every two weeks is as unrealistic as it gets, I am therefore calling for the recognition of this event to be taken away, and the PvP actually backed up with credible role-play as well as a main body of role-play, or to be completely ignored due to the fact that is ridiculous.

1) The Horde Army does not materialize once every two weeks to attack some settlements and then disappear - If the chain of events was taken in character surely this would have to be role-played out?

2) Why does an event that has NOTHING to do with role-play, have to impact other role-players and their ability to travel to places which are supposedly "destroyed" by the Horde?

3) Why do people who have no stake or interest in the RP community have an impact on the RP community?

4) Where is the actual alliance army? Ironforge has a population of 20,000 dwarves, in any realistic situation as many of these dwarves would be rallied to defend Khaz Modan, it is both unrealistic and preposterous to assume that thirty people would randomly show up to defend a region the size of Khaz Modan.

5) Who ordered the Horde invasion? Why has somebody went ahead and represented the Horde high command? Surely this can only be considered as god emoting, why can the Alliance players not simply state the Ironforge army of NPC's killed off the invasion?


While the promotion of wPvP is fine and dandy, I don't see what bearing that has on RP, especially when it has a huge impact as well as several important consequences.

Were the main users of Khaz Modan <The Three Hammers> consulted about this? Were they offered a position in arranging these events? Considering this event has predominantly taken place in the land most accustomed to their guild, surely it would only have been courtesy to actually ask them if they are willing to be plunged into a massive war scenario, as well as potentially putting their plans aside?

Thanks for reading, (posted on two threads, ORB and TTH one).


Contact Us / [Discussion]
April 16, 2012, 12:19:23 AM
As copy pasted from


Controversial opinion incoming!

I often see RP Guilds on the Horde side (and very occasionally Alliance side, I'm looking at you, Dwarves) using the term 'Clan' to define their group, in much the same way many Blood Elven Guilds use 'House' to identify an extended family of sorts (this might not be an exact analogy, but the point is they're both used as a 'societal unit' - to put it in a fancy way).

Now, four things puzzle me here and I'm struggling to find answers:

1. Are there not a finite number of Clans? Note the capital 'C', I mean actual, proper, established, historical Clans. Are these not interwoven with the Lore to such a degree that to simply add a 'new one' or an 'old one renewed' is somewhat... 'Off'?

2. Were the Orcish Clans (to be a bit more specific for a moment) not disestablished under Thrall during the events of 'Lord of the Clans'? As far as I can tell, the only ones still with any kind of autonomy (and this is mostly ceremonial) are the Frostwolves and the Warsong? Does this pose a problem for so-called 'Clans' which are casually established as new Guilds?

3. Finally (and I think this is a question not often discussed); aren't Orcish Clans (and - to a degree - other Clans represented in game) far, far larger and more significant than your average Guild can ever hope to be? The Clans once occupied vast lands, whole countries, one might say, on Draenor and most must of contained well over 100 members. Can a Guild really claim to represent such a massive part of one society?

4. Lastly, as far as I can tell, you cannot freely join or leave a Clan (I'm, again, speaking mainly for Orcs here, but this does - I think - apply to Dwarves as well). You are born into it, in the same way you are born into a nation. It is your identity for life. It does puzzle me, then, that the term 'Clan' is so often used to describe some vague-militant-organisation of the Horde, which includes people who also profess to be from OTHER Clans AND those who are not Orcs at all?

When the above 5 problems are combined, it seems to me that claiming to establish a 'Clan' is no less ridiculous than a Human claiming to found some northern Kingdom which was lost during the Third War and was conveniently 'not mentioned' by Lore. If a Human was to suggest he was King of Alterac and was reestablishing the Kingdom, despite the fact it has been dissolved, despite the fact it's a huge society in Lore, we'd be rightly sceptical. If that Human was to establish himself as 'King of Northtown', a Human land lost in the Third War, now rebuilt for the service of the Alliance, with a dozen people who were previously not of that Kingdom (and had never heard of it, including a few Draenei), we'd just laugh.

It is, to my mind, a concept which has been accepted amongst most Roleplayers because of the frequency with which it is found. But, in my view, once the issue is scrutinised a little further, it all starts to look a little odd.

Am I getting this completely wrong? Has the term 'Clan' been bastardised so as to lose all it's original meaning to the Orcs? Or am I really not seeing this properly?

by Zecra of Argent Dawn


Thought that this is an interesting discussion and definitely to the Red Blade as you are technically somewhat related to the tag of 'clan' and 'tribe'.
Off Topic / [Warcraft III]
March 28, 2012, 04:13:12 AM
Hey, so I've been playing for a few months now and mostly alone!

I play both Reign of Chaos and the Frozen Throne and would like some companions!

I've played both maps with role-play, generally strategic empire building maps such as 'Greece' and 'Rise of China'. There's also one called 'Alternative Future' based in 1950s where you role-play out the fate of the world!

Also, I've played those no food and unlimited gold mine maps, namely WW3, it's pretty awesome building 300-400 unit armies.

Finally, I play a lot of Risk. I love Risk, it's awesome, (though I'm not very good and don't win, at all) It's a ranked server and the name Ephitos has 0 wins and like, 16 losses! But oh well, practise makes perfect!

If anybody would like to join or participate me in any of these games, feel free to poke me on in Warcraft III or leave a message here, it get's boring conquering the world on your own!

The Campfire / [Single poster]
December 23, 2011, 05:34:54 AM
The poster is small, and carefully placed in the Cleft of Shadow.

A dark artefact lurks in the Stonetalon mountains, an artefact of power and destruction, a remnant of the war of the ancients and a legacy long forgotten, I leave this poster in the cleft in the hope that the warlocks of Orgrimmar band together and find it, before it is to late.
