Orcs of the Red Blade

General => Applications => Topic started by: Zolrok on May 17, 2018, 03:16:43 PM

Title: Application to join
Post by: Zolrok on May 17, 2018, 03:16:43 PM
Name: Zolrok
Level: 20

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience: I'm a returning player, so this is a new character that will be my main. I enjoy socializing and very interested in RP.

And finally, please write a short story and/or (IC) introduction about your character: Zolrok is a shaman born in Razor Hill during the days of Gul'dan. Inspired by the power and spirits of the elements during childhood, Zolrak became an avid practitioner of shamanism, exploring ways to harness natural and magical powers to their most devastating effect. Today, Zolrak is a young orc venturing throughout Azeroth and slowly absorbing knowledge.
Title: Re: Application to join
Post by: Trakmar on May 17, 2018, 03:41:54 PM
Hello there, Zolrok and thank you for the interest!

Unfortunatley, the application you posted is very lacking, and incorrect according to the lore as well as missing your character's age. For example, if your character was born in Razor Hill, he'd be no older than 14-15 at most, and Gul'dan was dead well before that time.

I recommend you check out the two following links about the orcish lore and timeline respectively.



I hope this response was helpful. Looking forward to hearing from you! :)

- Thur'ruk Trakmar
Title: Re: Application to join
Post by: Zolrok on May 17, 2018, 03:49:55 PM
Sorry! New to orc RP. Here is a new application below:

Name: Zolrok
Level: 20

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience: I'm a returning player, so this is a new character that will be my main. I enjoy socializing and very interested in RP.

And finally, please write a short story and/or (IC) introduction about your character: Zolrok is a shaman born to nomadic parents during the days of Gul'dan. Inspired by the power and spirits of the elements during childhood, Zolrak became an avid practitioner of shamanism, exploring ways to harness natural and magical powers to their most devastating effect. Today, Zolrak is 50 years of age, venturing throughout Azeroth seeking knowledge and revenge.
Title: Re: Application to join
Post by: Kozgugore on May 18, 2018, 09:58:29 AM
Hey there Zolrok! Thanks for showing interest in our merry, little band of orcs! Like Trakmar said, your application is still quite short and lacking in depth. You did correct the point about the timeline, which is good progress, but we feel your background could still do with a bit of additional information.

You don't need to have your orc completely figured out from front to end of course, but questions like for example what he's been up to ever since the three great wars if he's such an elderly orc already, at which point in his life he became a shaman (since the orcs were cut off from shamanism during the first two wars), what his motivations are for the knowledge and revenge seeking that you mention in your background, that kind of stuff. I ought to warn you that roleplaying older orcs tends to be a bit of a bigger challenge than newly trained and young ones, but that choice is entirely up to you, of course. :) I know that might seem a little daunting, but we'll gladly provide any assistance should you have questions or such! You're free to pose those here in this thread, or in a personal message to any of us here or in-game.

Good luck! Hope to hear back from you!