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Messages - Gul'rok


Has lost his way so many times in his life, he’s not sure what path he is on anymore. He tries to act in a way he thinks he should and fails. He’s concentrating on just being himself now.

Kozugore -
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There is a reason he is the chieftain - he commands respect from those that follow him and love from those that know him. Can’t hold his drink though.

Kargnar -
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Has nothing but respect and love for this orc, Gul’rok wishes he could be more like him. He always enjoys their conversations and banter. He’s not sure how Bloodpaw has the patience to put up with him and his sister.

Kulgha -
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His blood sister. She means everything to him, even when she is making fun of him. He always enjoys talking to her, playing pranks on each other or just annoying Bloodpaw. Gul tells her everything, which is why she regularly hits him.

Za’karah -
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No other orc frustrates, annoys, or confuses him as much as this one. He is drawn to her, yet all he seems to do is hurt her.

Kyrazha -
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She frightens him, he knows that beneath her smiles and friendly taunts that she’d kill him if she needed to without a second thought.

Meri -
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He has a lot of time and respect for her. She may not be a physically powerful orc, but she has power, He has glimpsed it.

Noshmarak -
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A towering force to Gul’rok. Certain in himself and his purpose. Recently that tower seems to have cracked, and Gul’rok is not sure how he feels about that.

Magra -
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She seems to delight in his pain, he will avoid her and her staff for now.

Urzoga -
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A troubled orc, conflicted in many ways. He has seen savagery from her in battle and gentleness from his with her companions.

Tagrok -
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Enjoys his company, Tagrok has a sharp sense of humour and a cutting tongue. Like most orcs he had more going on underneath the surface. Gul’rok hopes that they can get closer.

Tahara -
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She is an uncomplicated orc. Not half as stupid as many think. She acts on instinct, She reminds him of Throatrender.

Nakobu -
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The light worshipping orc that Gul’rok never thought he would care for, but he does. Nakobu has a gentle strength to him. Though he does like to talk too much.

Zitani -
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Always enjoys their conversations. She enjoys a good laugh, and a good spar. Gul’rok has yet to beat her, something that irks him, just a little.

Srelok -
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If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelock.

Verzan and Rykana -
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Has the utmost respect for them, their abilities as scouts and windriders. Their story telling is always something he looks forward to.

Bashul -
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An interesting shadowmoon orc. She seems kind, and has helped him with matters of the spirit before. Reminds him of Meri.

Azolg -
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Has a good sense of humour, and Gul’rok looks forward to finishing that conversation they started.

Tahi -
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He respects her abilities and her strength of will. She has a hunger for power that he does not understand. He enjoys tutoring her and looks forward to her finding her place in the Clan.

Spoiler: show
Her abilities in the forge are unmatched in his eyes. She is a fierce protector of her family. More than a little sure of herself, though recent conversations have shown the orc under all that armour.

"Nothing worth having is ever easy"

Gul'rok climbed the steep rock-face searching for the wolf, it was close, he could feel it, where was it leading him? The entire way here, the wolf hadn’t so much shown any interest in anything, besides leading him to a certain place.. Gul’rok looked around at the vast emptiness that lay beyond Nagrand. “I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing this world like this.” He mused.
The wolf spirit looked up at him and spoke in a hauntingly familiar voice. “It is a world slowly ending, my son.. One day, there will be nothing left.“
He stared at the wolf before speaking, his voice cracking. “Mother? How…”
The wolf approached him. He could see it clearly, yet also see through it. She pressed the side of her muzzle against his arm. Gul’rok shivered, not from the contact, but more from the thoughts of her being here. “You're the one leading me around this land by the nose? I don't understand.”
She spoke again, her voice entering his head, without the wolf's jaw moving. “Spirits work in mysterious ways, my child. You don't need to understand. You were troubled. You are troubled. And so I came.”
Gul’rok dropped the bag of ore he’d been carrying around for the past week, onto the ground. He sat down, he looked exhausted.
“What troubles you.” Her voice was soft, but also commanding, she was used to her words being obeyed.
Gul’rok started to speak, it all came pouring out of him. “Everything. I'm not even sure where to begin. I've lost control. I feel like I'm falling apart, like this world. The rage.. The Rage has come back.. I can't control it.”
The wolf lets out a huff, shaking her head a little. Gul’rok glanced up at the wolf’s head, even in this form she was still the same.
“Son, no one ‘controls’ the rage. It's a part of who you are, part of who we are, it comes easier to some than in others is all. You are Warsong. This is part of your heritage, your legacy.”
Gul’rok persisted.“But I.. I keep hurting the people I care about. I try to do the right thing, but it all just ends up a mess, and then the anger.. the shame..”He clenched his fists.
The wolf stared at him, her voice soft yet stern. “You remember riding your first wolf, when you were little?”
A smile crept across Gul’rok’s face. “Yes. I remember getting thrown a few times.”
His mother’s voice continued. “You remember how unfamiliar that felt... how you had to get used to it? Learn to move with the beast, lean right, lean left.. Move with the flow, two minds one purpose?”
Gul’rok nodded.
“As it is with the rage. You make mistakes. But every mistake you make, you learn a little. About yourself, your boundaries. About how to channel it in a good way. Not to hurt those around you.. but to hurt your enemies, and -protect- the ones you love. You’re trying too hard now. You listen to everyone else. You need to learn to listen to yourself.. Your heart.” She leans forwards a bit, to touch her nose against his chest, like a finger jabbing at him.
Gul’rok grunted. “Hrmm. You sound like Za'karah.” A smile escaped his lips
“Sounds like a wise orc, so.” Her voice sounded almost playful
“She is.” He sighed, and lowered his head.
Again the calm and stern voice entered his head “You like her.” it isn't a question, but a statement.
Gul’rok paused “I do, but I think I ruined that.
“Do you really believe that yourself? The wolf leaned its head as it stared at him.
Gul’rok stopped and thought “No.” He replied. “That's just what I fear.”
“Fear has never gotten anyone anywhere. Face your fear head on. Stare it down. That's the Warsong way. -Our- way.” Her voice rings with pride.
“I guess I haven't been a very good Warsong for a while.. not since…” Gul’rok’s voice trailed off.
“Not since I died?” her voice cut straight to the meat as always
He cleared his throat. “Mother, I.. I should have been there for you. I should have stopped, Him.” The wolf shook her head letting out a low growl. “Listen to me Gul’rok Ragehowl what happened, happened. It wasn't your doing, and I never blamed you. Your brother went too far. He lost his way.” There is a hint of anger in her voice, but she seems to be more angry at him blaming himself than anything else.
Gul’rok sat up, his shoulders no longer slumped. Her words were always spoken carefully and plainly, and she never repeated herself. If she said something then it was so. “I killed him, with my hands.” It is not a boast, and for once not said with regret. It just was.
“you were right to do so.” Came the swift reply “Stop letting your guilt drag you down, my boy. It won't get you anywhere.”
Gul’rok’s expression changed.
“You have a life ahead of you. And you need to make most of it. Not linger on things you cannot change anymore.
He nodded slowly, looking around at the landscape, even in this slowly crumbling world life still clings on.
“Tell me about this.. Za'karah.” The motherly voice returns, expecting a response. He knew better than to deny her.
“She's Strong, Unwavering, Impressive.”
“Ha! She does sound like me, then.” laughter sounds in his soul.
Gul’rok continued, he seemed eager to talk about her. “She's brutally honest, and fierce. Bites like a Garn. she's funny too” He Grinned at that.
“A proper she-orc, then. Don't let her go too easily.” Her voice scolded him.
Gul leaned back and puffed his chest out, taking a few deep breaths.“I won't!”
“Did you drag me around Nagrand as punishment?” He asked.
“Perhaps. Maybe you just needed some time away to clear your head and think about things.” her voice had a smirk to it.
“I have certainly enjoyed it. Living off the land, not worrying about what to say or do. Felt almost like home.” He sighed, happily this time.
“Almost.. but not entirely. As I said, even this world is dying.. Try to look after it a bit, with your clan too. They have powerful spirits who can be of help.” The voice became serious again.
“They have not spoken to me before, but now, I will speak to them.” He replied, confidence in his voice now.
“They do not need to speak to you to know your worth. Like me, I can watch from a distance at times. I'm there, even if you don't see me, I see you, as do they” She spoke.
“Still teaching me lessons.” he replied
“You're still my son. I don't think that'll ever change. Now listen.. I do have a few things I want you to know.” The wolf circled him eyeing him over. “So much like your father.. The ore you found. Use it. Make a blade, like your father had.”
“Fathers blade...I can barely remember it.” he said with awe.
“Then let me show you.” Visions entered his mind, He saw his father, fighting in the melee with a mighty blade. A proper warsong weapon, being wielded by a strong, experienced orc. A blade of death, but also of grace and protection. Enemies flee before it, orcs behind him cheering him on to victory.
“Remember it. I cannot give you his weapon, even though it should've been yours. But you will make your own legacy.” She spoke to him.
“I will forge it from this world, as this is now my home.” Gul’rok picked up the burlap sack of ore and paused. “I will bring more stones from my travels next Kosh'harg. To share with you my victories.”
“Do that my son. Now, go back to your clan. The crow is looking for you, She can help you. Find the crow.” The spirit forms shimmers and dissipates.
Gul’rok turns and leaves, heading back to garadar, more sure of himself than he has been in a long long time.