Orcs of the Red Blade

Tribe Annals => The Campfire => Topic started by: Lars on July 17, 2012, 12:38:54 AM

Title: Scouting Uldum
Post by: Lars on July 17, 2012, 12:38:54 AM
Muzjhath stands before the cheiftain, on the dock of Gadgetzan to avoid the hubub, and smell, of the town propper. The former orc is reporting the activities of the last evening to Feraleye.

"Me, Oathbound Marshfang, and two rather recent new bloods. A sneek and a... less pleasant one. Went to explore the way the tribe might travel. That Uldsomething to the South West.
We set out from th' goblin Tarpit in the evenin' After the worst sun had left. Runnin' across the desert.

As we aproached the new terretory we slowed to a walk. Entering through a built way. High sides that would be a perfect ambush site if someone would be out to get us. When the tribe passes this way I highly suggest sending out scouts. Two or three to a side. To make sure no hostile force that would know our way would be lying in wait.

After that we entered old, rather impressive, ruins. Infested with all kinds of bugs and gnomelike humanoids. My advice, seconded by Marshfang, would be passing through quickly not stopping. There is a wide throughfare westward. Continueing west we came to a sweet water river. Rather fastflowin'.
'Round it was an oasis o' green. Good plants, much food. If quite a lot o' dangerous animals. If we'd not find a settlement te stay in. Along the river would be our best bet of stay from what I scouted.

Moving south we came to a farm held by a... Catlike centraur?
They seemed to be the people who had built the earlier ruin, based on structures. They had a settlement on the otherside o' a lake. Probobly created by a dam that we crossed, more impressive than the dwarven one in the east.
On the other side they had a propper town with a marketplace. Seemed te show good handywork in their wares. But, a dwarf an' a human were sighted. The latter talkin' with what seemed. Someone important.

Marshfang talked with the same induvidual. About us maybe getting to have our base there. But for a bigger group only their king seemed te have authority to say they could stay and due to. Who we where an' the hour we did not seek an audience.

After that we headed back, by a slightly different route. It was now we discovered the gnome like things in the ruins, in high numbers. Due to our low numbers i opted for not going further in than the edges. We also crossed over the mountains, finding some easier climbs. Checking out the rather artificial seeming pass from above. Would be easy to hide big numbers up there, thus the afor... earlier mention of having scouts out!

We should also have that when crossing the city ruins.

I plan on mounting more scouting trips to other parts o' Uldsomething before we head out."

Bowing, Muzjhath walks away, letting the cheiftain use this information as he see's fit.
Title: Re: Scouting Uldum
Post by: Vilirok on July 23, 2012, 09:41:53 AM
(( I like it. I like it a lot. Shame I wasn't able to go along. Nice piece of writin' though! ;D ))