Orcs of the Red Blade

Tribe Annals => Odds & Ends => Topic started by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:40:50 PM

Title: Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes
Post by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:40:50 PM
((Main Conclave thread: http://www.defiasrp.com/t5322-h-arcane-conclave-sixth-session-16th-january-2030))

Sadok's Open Letter to the Arcanists of the Horde

"Scattered about the vast dusty libraries and raging battlefields of this world, none have contributed more to the Horde's myriad magical and military advances than its proud Arcanists. Though held in greater esteem amongst the Forsaken and Sin'dorei, those that practise the eldritch arts are still subject to fear and suspicion in the very heart of the Horde, Orgrimmar. Consigned to the Cleft of Shadows amongst the thieves and rogues, it is here we will gather in defiance of those who fail to recognise our place in the Horde - I extend this invitation to arcanists of all Horde-allied peoples, and to both orthodox magi and warlocks of a moderate disposition. Here we will assemble to pool research, exchange precious tomes and reagents, and discuss matters of importance to both mage and warlock.

This Conclave will be founded upon the ethos that the arcane is a means to an end, rather than the end itself - a tool to build cities and a weapon to secure victory. It will be founded upon willing cooperation, mutual respect and ties of blood and honor, rather than violet-hatted banal etiquette and decorum. It will be founded upon equality and egalitarianism rather than absurd hierarchical constructs: mage or warlock, orc or elf, apprentice or Archmage, all will be accorded equal importance in this gathering.

All of you know these intrinsic truths: knowledge is power. With the collective knowledge and expertise of many arcanists gathering together, this Arcane Conclave will achieve far more than the sum of its parts - for the individual pursuits and interests of each arcanist, for the advancement of apprentices and veterans alike, and most importantly... for the Horde!

-Sadok Sharptongue, Thur'ruk and Champion of the Red Blade Tribe."
Title: Re: Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes
Post by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:42:47 PM

From the notes of New Blood Gorta of the Red Blade Tribe:

The First Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held in the Arcane Enclave of Orgrimmar on the twenty-fifth day of the seventh cycle at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance comprised of (in the spirit of the Conclave, ranks omitted):
- Sadok Sharptongue
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- Abulos Sunwing
- Siual Greydusk
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Karaga
- Asirael Nightshade
- Solanum Devilsgrave
- Challus Mercer
- Gorta
- Crothu
- Morgeth Feralheart

Title: Re: Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes
Post by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:43:47 PM

From the hastily-scribbled notes of Sadok Sharptongue (personal note: coerce Apprentice Gorta into attending Third Session to spare oneself the irksome binary duties of minute-taking and chairing the incessant rabbl-- I mean, Conclave):

The Second Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity on the twenty-second day of the eighth cycle at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance comprised of:

- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Arryn Karloke Goldhawke
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- Xavier Silverblood
- Tya
- Lin’ith Veil
- Gregorias
- Mathrodar Blacksling
- Kristeas Sunbinder
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Solanum Devilsgrave
- Morgeth Feralheart
- Six non-arcanists of the Shatterskull warband (led by Zombini and Hikka Redeye)

There were also three late arrivals:
- Unidentified Sindorei female wearing Kirin Tor colors
- Unidentified Ssssssssindorei female with a sssssssserpentine drawl (possible relation of Rasonal Dranger)
- Feltrand Ravensun


Title: Re: Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes
Post by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:44:31 PM

From the hastily-scribbled notes of Sadok Sharptongue (a lone island of judicious acumen in a vast sea of empyreumatic iniquity):

The Third Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held within the Hall of Respite in Silvermoon City on the twelfth day of the ninth cycle, at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance comprised of:
- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Gregorias
- Ralanthus Acarian Litussis
- Warano Lightslash
- Sylvaelynn Sin’talah
- Nathaira (unidentified serpentine elf from the Second Session)
- Feltrand S. Ravensun
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- Crothu
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Mayaine Solarflare
- Aishling Silversun
- Narcissa Carrow
- Delidah Fizzlecrack
- Shayla Bloodsin
- Izaa Scorchwench
- Frizleproket
- Whizzpopp Crackpan
- Morgeth Feralheart
- Kristeas Sunbinder
- Tya
- Unidentified vagrant (elf female)


Title: Re: Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes
Post by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:45:10 PM

From the well-maintained, cogently-articulated affichage of Sadok Sharptongue (a bastion of astucious sagaciousness plunged into an amaranthine chasm of inane imbecility):

The Fourth Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held within the Hall of the Brave in Orgrimmar on the twenty-fourth day of the tenth cycle, at half-past the eight horn.

Attendance comprised of:
- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Crothu
- Delidah Fizzlecrack
- Chrysojin
- Eedor
- Tamika
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Abulos Sunwing
- Solanum Devilsgrave
- Ilsinea Fireleaf
- A number of non-arcanists (malcontentment to follow)

Preferatory Notes:



Title: Re: Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes
Post by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:45:58 PM

From the notes of Sadok Sharptongue (minimal circumlocution required):

The Fifth Session of the Horde Arcane Conclave, held within the Temple of the Damned in the Undercity’s Magic Quarter on the twelfth day of the twelfth cycle, at half-past the eighth horn.

Attendance compromised of:

- Sadok Sharptongue (chair)
- Moneyfix Sparks
- Abulos Sunwing
- Siual Greydusk
- Aishling Silversun

Preferatory notes:
Title: Re: Horde Arcane Conclave - Letters and Minutes
Post by: Sadok on January 20, 2013, 05:47:07 PM
Official Kor'kron correspondence.

Official Kor'kron correspondence written on the back of another letter to... conserve paper supplies. Definitely not because blank paper couldn't be found. No sir.


Voza’s Official Report for the Attention of Legionnaire Grimgash, concerning the Arcane Conclave - the Sixteenth Day of the First Month, Quel’thalas.

In attendance:
Voza (Kor’kron Overseer), Izaa, Moneyfix, Vurnin, Eztral, Solanum (Session Chair), Crothu, Siual, Gromgeth, Aishling, Kristeas (called in during the session by Chair).

Threat assessment evaluation:
Voza (me!): Most loyal and respectful friend of Hellscream and Kor’kron there ever was.
Izaa: Hurts Voza’s feelings with taunts.
Moneyfix: Anti-Kor’kron anarchist with no respect for authority.
Vurnin: Hesitant about giving name. What does he have to hide?
Eztral: Repeatedly speaks in deadmon tongue. Open criticism of Warchief.
Solanum: Disdain for Warchief. Wishes to contact an enemy of the Horde.
Crothu: Self-proclaimed Hellscream loyalist. Trustworthy.
Siual: Limp-wristed idealist.
Gromgeth: General pro-Kor’kron sentiment, but seems to have contacts with known enemies of the Horde. Very suspicious.
Aishling: Said little either for or against Hellscream, but forcibly prevented Voza from leaving! Dissident.
Kristeas: Largely neutral. Typical politician.

This so-called Arcane Conclave is filled with dissidents and anarchists with no respect for Kor’kron or Warchief, and the worst of these are the most influential. Moneyfix, Solanum and Siual in particular are to be considered legitimate threats, and Gromgeth’s disturbing links to traitors should be further investigated. Voza or Crothu should be forcibly installed as Chair to set a good example, and organisation should be militarized to serve the Warchief.