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Messages - Kozgugore

Event Planning / Re: Loot Burn Kill Repeat
December 10, 2007, 04:27:58 PM
A big thanks for whoever attended the event. I hope you all enjoyed it (and shame on Moggrash for sneaking off in the middle of the battle!). Shame barely anyone from the Covenant attended except for Taur Nu Fuin, but it was successful all the same.
The Campfire / Re: Another plan, another fate
December 10, 2007, 04:16:37 PM
   Kozgugore snarled his teeth at the wind that was trying to knock him over. Nothing could be seen except for a dense, dark fog and the rain drops, which seemed to hit him like rocks with the hard wind backing them up.
   â€œGrom-damned, Kei! I will admit I love hunting flower-blood with some suitable weather, but this is damned outrageous!”
   â€œStop ya grumblin’ an’ keep up!” the female orc walking in front of him yelled. Or trying to walk anyway. The wind seemed to increase by the minute. Not to mention the fog was getting thicker as well. They must be getting close to the sea. Even though Kozgugore could not hear any sea yet because of the wind thundering in his ears, he could already smell it. To the northwest.
   â€œJust a bit further onwards! More to the right, lass! I bet me boots it is nearby!”
   â€œKeep ya boots, Koz! Too clumsy for orcs like this one!”
   Onwards they kept going, fighting against the wind and the rain slamming them in the face. Kozgugore grumbled again and tightly held his wolf-head as to not send it flying. He peered over his shoulder. Yes, Shrewd is still there. His hackles were wildly flowing along with the wind, making him look more like a prairie dog with the face of an aged, grumpy wyvern than a worg. An amusing sight, if it wasn’t for the wind nearly knocking Kozgugore off his feet. Another agitated grumble.
   As he turned his head again, he noticed he couldn’t see a single thing in front of him anymore except for some snapped trunks in front of his feet.
   He can’t yell out for Claws here. Elves can be everywhere in these parts. He just had to follow his nose.
   Onwards he went, still trying to navigate his way through the fog and the wind and the rain. Only relying on the smell of the nearby sea to guide him.

   After what seemed to be at least an hour to the agitated and wet orc, it seemed the ground started moving upward. After a bit more snarling and grumbling at nothing in particular except for trees, branches and a lost squirrel, he found himself on the top of a small ridge. As the fog seemed to slowly fade away as he kept his gaze focused forward, a scene slowly unvealed itself to his eyes.
   â€œBy Grom's axe. Them elves sure feel like dying today.”
The Campfire / Re: Another plan, another fate
December 10, 2007, 04:15:47 PM
After many hours of silent travel Kei turned to Koz.
Removing her wolf helm strapping and letting it fall to her back, she let her long silver white hair flow out behind some thing she had not done in many a year.
“Ya know what Koz I could get use to this traveling with others who have the same purpose, a united Horde once again under new banners”.
Koz stopped his powerful mount and turned slowly to Kei,
“I never thought I would hear ya say that after all your time ya have spent with em, all ya personal sacrifice all ya own goals put to one side for the tribe”.
Kei slowly rained in her mount and jumped to the ground removing her pack from the lean wolf, she fell in to deep thought.
Before she even realized they where sitting in front of a roaring fire pulling of strips of meat.

“Why Kei” Koz said in a low voice not looking at Kei “Why did ya never push for the tribe leadership, you were before me and many others who have taken on the mantle”.
Kei let out a grunt, “Is it not obvious to you Koz even in your time here”.
“Because Koz old friend I know my place in the great circle I do not have ideas above my station unlike others who have come and gone, I would rather work from the inside looking out seeing the enemy come towards me, not waiting for the stab in the back”.
“I say what I think is right and be dammed with those who disagree with it, uniformity that is a luxury that the Overlord does not have and that would not sit well with me, I have enough enemies with in the tribe with out adding to them”.
Koz grunted.
“As Overlord you are the right hand of the Matriarch and you do her bidding, you must be seen as strong never letting your inner self out in case it makes you look weak”.
There was along silence.
“The tribe has never been as weak as it is now and it does not sit well with me Koz, no matter how hard we have tried to unite them, giving them what they asked for, no demanded, there own say in matters of the tribe then they throw it back at us with barb’s”.
”With the opening up of the old lands with new plunder to be found they have become greedy and only think of there self’s the whole idea of the tribe is to rely on your brothers and sisters, to lay down your life for them if need be, as they all have sworn with there own blood it means nothing any more”.
“They say that they are ready to take on the mantle but fall at the first jump like wounded pups blaming all for their short comings, they are not ready and never will be if they do not put there difference behind them, and embrace there brothers and sisters again for all there differences”.
There was a quite silence once again.

“You have an old head on ya shoulders she Orc you speak truth plan and simple a truth that many have forgotten and do not wish to hear”.
The Worg sitting at Koz side let out a long and loud howl which made Kei jump to her feet her hands over her blades.
There was a deep mocking laughter which seemed to make the ground tremble Kei looked down to Koz holding his sides and his helm rattling around on his head like a lose fitting bucket.
She had never heard him laugh and it made her also burst out with laughter a laughter that once again cleared there dark thoughts away.
“Come” said Koz “The moon is once again high in the sky and me pet says it time to hunt”.
“Aye” shouted Kei jumping back on to her mount, “I’m now Kei, Claws is at rest for now”.
“Aye I could get use to this unless them Orc get there minds set, well we will see”.
“Oy slow down lass, what about packing up camp”.
“Bah to the abyss with it let some other souls have use of it come on we are not getting any younger lets live for our selves for a short while”.
“Aye lass lets ride until we are called back to set this once great tribe back on course, let them see for there selves that we need unity again and that what we do now is not a hollow Troll threat to move on with our lives and purpose”.
The Campfire / Another plan, another fate
December 10, 2007, 04:15:17 PM
(( Reposted. ))

   â€œLet them cowards be. Drive a political war with each other instead of a good, fair fight against a human,” the orc grumbled, aimed at no one in particular as he sat on his wolf overlooking the tree with the daemon Mannoroth’s armour attached to it, slain by his warchief Hellscream. He followed Hellscream all his life, and is still convinced he should have been the only leader of the Old Horde. Those were better times. No divided orcs and not dependant on the other races but the orcs themselves. The Old Horde was a Horde of unity and combined strength of all clans. An unstoppable force that was bound to conquer every corner of any known world. Not unlike now, when every individual has his own ideas of how to achieve victory.
   He pulled his wolf-mask down a bit to cover his face better. He wasn’t happy the way he ended up. What used to be a simple scout and grunt of the Warsong made his way to an Overlord of a tribe of an old, orcish clan. A proud tribe, that much should be said, but lately cursed with inner conflicts and a lack of real battle. He grumbled as he sunk deep into his thoughts.
   It was a mistake of him to allow any of those orcs to lead their own rabble with their own ideas. Now he had to pay the price. They were all attending their own matters, no doubt unaware of this orc’s intentions.

   He slowly strode to the city’s main gates. There he was welcomed by his worg, who was already waiting for him alongside what looked to be a slender orc, though ready to travel to the end of the world, by the looks of it.
   â€œThey have become ah group of lazy tailors who fight with their own shadows instead of the real enemy,” the slender orc said as the wolf-masked orc approached the gates, greeting his worg with a piece of red meat. “I go back to the warm”.
   â€œThey are like elves,” the wolf-masked orc replied. “Too occupied with their own greediness instead of working for the Tribe. Too busy trying to set up their own rabble to overthrow us, no doubt. Fanatics make unreliable friends.”
   The slender orc nodded in agreement. “Let them be. See how they do without anyone to lead them for a week or two.”
   The wolf-masked orc grumbled, but still gave in with a nod. “That is the hard way to let them know this is serious. I do not want to get my head on a pole for burying my axe into some disobedient orc’s skull, so only this remains. Give orcs a free rein or let them become too individual, and they are bound to break up and divide. The storms of fate will decide the outcome. Lead on Claws.”

   They both walked out of the gates. Not with their heads down, not with their chest proudly aimed forward neither, but as simple orcs. The kind that knows its purpose and goal. Wherever it may lie in the fresh, unconquered lands of Kalimdor. Whatever they may be searching for, no doubt they might come back unspoiled and with new ideas, or never again.
Applications / Guild Rules
December 09, 2007, 02:22:27 PM

  ¤  Orcish Lore  ¤  Orcish Timeline  ¤  Red Blade History  ¤  Red Blade Culture  ¤  Great Spirits  ¤  Red Blade Ranks  ¤  FAQ  ¤ 

1. Argent Dawn is an RP realm and Orcs of the Red Blade is an RP guild.
You will be expected to do your best to Roleplay your character. This includes every aspect of the game. If you wish to duel for example, then roleplay the situation and ask for a duel in character. Treat every interaction with another player as a roleplaying opportunity.

Say, Yell and Guild are all In Character channels. You are expected to remain IC at all times and treat them as what your character says out loud. Please try to avoid abbreviations in these channels. Your character would not say he was going to WSG, they would say they were going to Warsong Gulch. Using abbreviations is lazy and spoils immersion for other players.

Party and Raid channels may be In Character or Out of Character as agreed by the members of the party or raid. If the leader of a group wishes the party or raid channel to be IC, then please respect that decision.

Orcs of the Red Blade operate an Out of Character channel, which may be used to discuss any aspect of the game. If you join the guild, you will be told the name of this channel and how to join it.

2. Treat all players - including the enemy - with respect and tact.
Any form of disrespect or harassment of other players is not acceptable. This includes taunting of other players, making malicious or derogatory remarks and misuse of public chat channels. Do not publicly make negative or insulting remarks about other guilds. Do not engage in arguments with other players. Remember at all times that the way you behave towards other players, affects the reputation of the guild.

When posting on the official Blizzard forums, please remember that your post carries not only your character's name, but the name of this guild. Do not make any post which reflects badly on Orcs of the Red Blade. Any member who makes posts which are insulting to other guilds or players, may be asked to edit or remove it.
Under no circumstances should any member (other than an officer of the guild) make a forum post which could be interpreted as an official statement from the guild.

3. Play an active part in the guild.
All members are expected to play an active part in the guild. If you are online when a whole guild event is taking place, you will generally be expected to take part in that event in a positive way. Players who choose not to take part in events, will not be promoted within the guild.

There is no restriction on how often we expect you to play, however we reserved the right to remove characters who are inactive for a period of six months or more from the guild if necessary. If you know you are going to be absent for an extended period of time but intend to return, please let us know.

4. Roleplay your rank and behave appropriately towards other ranks.
Remember that your character fits into a social hierarchy. In character, you should behave in an appropriate way towards orcs who are of either higher or lower rank than you. Take time to decide how your orc views members of the other ranks.

If you are talking to a lower ranked orc, you may be respectful or scornful, friendly or indifferent. You might even be threatening or insulting towards them depending upon the personality of your orc. When talking to higher ranks, your orc might be respectful, serious, fawning. You might be out to impress or you might have a 'you don't scare me' attitude. Whatever your orc thinks of the leaders of the tribe, they should treat them as just another orc.

Another thing to note is that the New Blood rank is not allowed to wear the guild tabard due to IC reasons. Once you have passed your tests and achieved full membership however, you will be given your own tabard. We know there are a lot of potentially good-looking tabards out there, but as a fully inducted member of the Orcs of the Red Blade, you will be encouraged to always wear our tabard with pride.

5. Player killing.
We accept that killing members of the Alliance is part of the game, even if they have a lower level. It is however not allowed to Corpse-Camp them, kill them repeatedly and intentionally grief the person behind the other character. Remember that, as a true orc, you are expected to act with honor in these situations.

6.Terms of Use, Cheating and Hacks.
It should go without saying, but all members are expected to abide by the official terms of use: no sharing accounts, no selling gold, no selling accounts, no using third-party software to manipulate the game or bot your character. This also means you must be in full compliance with the policies that go for an RP-realm.

7.Have fun!
Yes that's right, its a rule, you have to follow it, no discussion possible. Having fun is mandatory. After all this is a game, and having fun is the most important thing there is. So as long as you, and the people around you, are having fun, all is good!
Off Topic / Re: YES!
December 08, 2007, 03:46:49 PM
Aww, lost my post count while the others still got it. Cheeky bastards. ;o

Slap from Claws.
Off Topic / Re: YES!
December 08, 2007, 03:00:44 AM
So is all the old stuff deleted for good then?