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Messages - Gridish

Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
April 21, 2014, 01:27:48 AM
Someone was impatient... xD
The Campfire / The aftermath
April 19, 2014, 11:24:00 AM

A few hours have passed since the battle. Gridish had found his way to Nira and laid down beside her and closed his eyes. It felt like only seconds had passed when he got tapped on his shoulder. A Shadowmoon Village guard that fought by his side earlier, reported in for a patrolling duty. With a somewhat dissapointed sigh Gridish replied " zug'zug, give me a couple minutes and I'll be ready. Gridish kisses Nira on her cheek while he gets out of bed, grabs his gear and heads down stairs, where a goup of guards are ready to go. "Alright orcs, lets give the other patroll group a few minutes to report in, then we'll head out". The guards  check the map to check the route again.

Gridish takes this time to look around. At this time of night, most orcs have found a place to rest. Menders are still checking up on the wounded every 15 minutes, but other then that the village has calmed down. Yet the village still paints a picture of panic and death. The guard tower that has been demolished, the bridges destroyed, the wall opened up but probably the most noticable is the colour of red stained into the ground. Gridish lets out a low grunt and turns his sight to the patrol group that has just returned.

After Gridish has heard out the patrol group's report, he waves his patrol group over and they head out towards the east gate. Guards are already trying to cover up the hole in the wall by barricading it up while another group of guards lay out a temporary manmade bridge for the patrol teams. After the patrol team heads over the bridge, the guards remove the bridge again. Gridish inspects the front he had to cover with his group of orcs earlier that day. Standing where the small barricades where on their first position. He stares down range where the army of fel orcs were standing, with their commander standing in the front lines. " That grin..." One of the shadowmoon patrol orcs looks at Gridish and taps on his shoulder. With the tap on the shoulder and a blink of the eyes, and the battlefield with the army of fel orcs turns into a slaughter fest. The smell of burnt flesh, blood soaked in the soil. Gridish turns around and views the graveyard. Rotting bodyparts of the undead that came from the afterlife, the hole in the wall that the undead created. Gridish shivers and clears his throat. "I've seen enough here orcs. Let's move out."

After patrolling the outskirts of the town, Gridish and the patrollers return to the village. The next patrol squad meets up with them at the tower. The patrol squad peers at Gridish's squad in anticipation of a report, to which Gridish responds " Only if the necromancers that we mowed down return, don't expect to see another battle any time soon. The display of pain and death on the battlefield will scare off the toughest souls in the world." Gridish shakes his head slowly, heads back upstairs and returns to his bed. He kisses Nira again on the cheek, rests his head on the floor and closes his eyes, until the next patrol unit wakes him up.
The Campfire / Re: Tradition
April 19, 2014, 09:34:59 AM
- giggles - I was mentioned in this story.  ;D

Goodread Noggles!
Quote from: Nograx on April 14, 2014, 03:33:06 PM
Quote from: Grogona on April 14, 2014, 11:25:25 AM
Would've been the 10th time or something likr that. It's like a monthly thing. ^^

If that`s the case it is amazing how no-orc cares.

We are a loving and caring bunch. Looking out for each other.

No-orc cares because it's peaceful and quiet around here now! Don't go breaking that plox :<
Wouldn't be suprised if he was :p
Game Related / Re: Acquiring your own wolf-masks
April 11, 2014, 12:47:23 PM
I hope to see some more loving for cloth and plate wearers in WoD... with only one real wolf mask each.(apart from moonfang's shroud v.v) :<
The Campfire / A morning jog
March 15, 2014, 01:46:48 AM
The first shine of morning light appears in the horizon as Gridish steps out of the main hall in Garadar. He stretches his arms, then stretches his legs as a preperation for his morning jog. It's a seemingly quiet morning in Garadar as Gridish makes his way through the town in a low pase. He sees a small group of Garadar guards as they have just finished the night watch and are headed to their beds, but doesn't see any other orcs. As Gridish makes it to the east gate of Garadar, he comes across Lofty. For once Lofty was waiting for Gridish " It's about time you got here! I've been waiting for hours! Now chop-chop, let's go pick up Celoa, Gridish!" As always, Lofty has something to bicker about. Gridish snickers and nods. He gets ready and starts his jog towards Shattrath city.

Gridish makes his way to the tunnel connecting Nagrand and Shattrath together. He greets the Aldor guards and heads in. Gridish makes his way to the library where Celoa's keepers are usually found, but as he gets there, he would be greeted by a familiar voice. "  Mok'ra Gridish. That's what you orcs say, am I right?" A faint laughter can be heard after saying that as Gridish old arcanist teacher is talking to Celoa's keepers. Gridish greets his teacher with a firm handshake and a nod. " Gridish, why don't you leave Lofty here for a short while. There are some things we need to discuss and I've given these people some new information to put in Lofty while we do so." Gridish's teacher smiles and gestures Lofty over to the bookkeepers. After that, Gridish and his teacher step outside and take a seat on a bench to where they can look over the entire city of Shattrath.

Gridish's teacher looks over at Gridish with a joyful glance. "We've had part of this conversation quite a lot during the years Gridish. However I can't express enough how much you and your abilities have grown over that period of time. Not only your abilities have grown, but also your ways of adapting these abilities have been nothing but inspiring." His teacher pauses for a brief moment and looks down at Shattrath, then continues. " after that Horde tournament that you participated in-" Gridish stares at his teacher in a suprised way. " - ah yes, I know about the tournament. However after the tournament, a switch or something flipped in your mind. The insecure, doubtful about his own capabilities as an arcanist orc seemed to have had light shed onto exactly that what he was unsure about. That day changed you.. in a good way. You were able to show everyone there that magi had as much respect to receive as the standard blade wielders that your kind knows and adores." His teacher looks back at him and smiles again, " that is what you needed, and that is what you should hold onto for - the - rest of your life. It always gives you something to fight for, as does one other thi-... person, and you know who I'm talking about. You did exactly what I asked you to do with that dagger... you made sure you protected your loved ones with it." His teacher pats Gridish on the shoulder and gives him an approving nod.

Gridish's teacher looks up at a group of birds flying by, then focusses his gaze on Gridish once again. " With all that said, there's one more thing. The council of Dalaran wants me to head over to Pandaria with a group to investigate this island that appeared out of nowhere.. The Timeles Isle. I can't say much about it, but it's going to be a while. Which also means that this is goodbye, for now." Gridish's teacher gets up from the bench, inspects the city of Shattrath one more time and takes a deep breath." It's an absolute shame this beautiful place has suffered so much. I just wish there was a way to see thisplace again in it's glorious days, besides paintings. Strenght Gridish Rimeweaver. Do me proud." Gridish gets up from the bench and salutes his teacher as his teacher walks off waving Gridish goodbye.
Gridish heads back over to the bookkeepers. As he gets there Lofty and Celoa are waiting for him. " Gridish, did your teacher already leave?!? He didn't even say goodbye! Gawsh... either way, we need to get you back to training! Loads of new spells have been added to my pages. You'll be able to do awesome tricks!" Gridish smiles. He puts Celoa in one of the two bookpouches on his belt and puts Lofty in the other bookpouch and makes his way back to Garadar.

Game Related / Re: Explanation for my recent absence
March 06, 2014, 12:55:33 PM
Crell, I wish you the best of luck with your illness, and I'll be waiting to see you back in-game buddy. If you ever feel like you need to chatter to someone about it, just shoot me a PM :D.

- Gridish.
The Campfire / Thoughts of the past
February 20, 2014, 12:52:50 AM
Gridish grunts as he looks at his bruised lower torso. "Ghrm.. seems to be healing fine." He lifts his shirt up even further to inspect the scars he received during his Om'Riggor. He stares at them for quite a while and gets lost in his own thoughts.

Gridish goes back to where it all started. He remembers the day like it was yesterday. As a young orc doing some chores for his mother, while hearing some low chatter about some weird powered artifacts were found on a scout patrol. He rushed over to his mother, where he'd find his dad and his older brother. He told them about the artifacts.
His brother and his dad both laugh, since it was their patrol that found them and they told him about them, how they came from this magical city named Dalaran. After hearing about this he asked more people in the clan about Dalaran. After a couple of weeks he had made his choice, he went in to his mother and father's hut and told them with all the certainty in the world: " I'm travelin to Dalran. "

Gridish snaps out of his thoughts and pulls his shirt back down. He looks around, grabs his sword and leavss the main hall. It's a late and quiet night. He makes his way towards the lake behind the main hall and finds a spot to sit down. He stares into the calm lake that reflects the light of the night and his own face. He slowly slides back into his thoughts.

" Where the feck is this Dalaran place." A few weeks after departing the clan, Gridish seems to be lost. He's in rather dense woods, trying to find his bearings. So now and then he'd hear a branch break behind him. In a scared reflex he'd grab the small wooden dagger he had made while on his journey, then he'd realise he's in the woods and that those noises are probably animals. After a while the density of the woods seems to be decreasing, and shortly after he found a road. Gridish started following the road, in the hopes of finding Dalaran. Before he found anything, two human scumbags approached the young orc. They were well armed and didn't seem to care about the orc's age at all. Gridish readied his little wooden dagger, not knowing what to even do with it. As one of the humans moved into position to attack, Gridish closed his eyes and made himself smaller, waiting for death to meet him. However nothing would happen to Gridish. Gridish opened his eyes and looked up. The two humans layed on the ground, little puffs of smoke coming from both of their chests. Gridish looked around him very scared. A shadowy figure appeared in front of Gridish and the young orc passes out.

Gridish shakes his head and grunts as the mirror image ripples in the lake. Raindrops start falling from the skies as he looks up. Gridish sighs and takes shelter under a tree near the lake. He sits down and inhaes deeply. Gridish loves the smell of calm rainy spells. He closes his eyes again and dwells off again.

As months have passed, Gridish is casting cute little arcane poofs. He sighs at every attempt " I want an arcane blast like my teacher's before he returns..." As Gridish's thoughts finish, he hears the door of the house open, then close. Gridish rushes to his seat and continues eating, acting like he was doing that all along! His teacher walks into the room and stares Gridish down " You weren't eating.. were you?!?" Gridish pulls a sad face and slowly shakes his head. His teacher responds with a smile and a snicker. " don't worry young one, I'm impessed with your drive and your passion.. I've got a gift for you." He holds a dusty old book out to Gridish. Gridish looks and inspects the book without touching it. As Gridish's face gets close to it, the book pops up out of the teacher's hands and starts screaming "UGLY UGLY CREATURE! GET IT AWAY FROM ME BEFORE IT KILLS ME WITH IT'S HORRIBLE LOOKS!!!!" Gridish jumps up, and searches for a place to hide. Gridish's teacher laughs softly " Gridish, this is Lofty."

Gridish snickers softly " Lofty.. " he opens his eyes againd and looks around. Gridish notices the rain has stopped and he gets up to move once again. This time he seeks out the pyre. Nobody is sitting at the pyre as it's rather late at night. Gridish sits down while grunting. He forgot his lower torso was still bruised, that hurt a little. He rubs his lower torso softly while gazing at the pyre.

" Jees Gridish! You are bad at this! It's like you are a beginner?" Lofty laughs while he's tormenting Gridish. It's been a couple of months since Gridish and Lofty departed from Dalaran. At this point Gridish was training while searching for his brother. The orc and the booklet found theirselves in Bilgewater Harbor. " this place looks like shit, what are we doing here???" Gridish grunts and attempts to ignore Lofty and his questions, however he's doing a piss poor job at it as he seemingly runs into a little goblin " OI! Watch where ye walking! I need to prepare this orc boat for their trip to pandaland or somethin like that!!!" The goblin runs off in a hurry while giving Gridish the finger. Gridish peers at the goblin and follows him. He reaches the docks and looks around. A strange orc approaches him " And who might you be?" Gridish looks at the orc and raises an eyebrow, but then introduces himself " Doomshout... the name sounds familiar.. Oh well, I'm Sadok."

Gridish gets tapped on the shoulder and he looks up. As he looks up he notices it's early morning. He looks at who tapped him on the shoulder and smiles.
The Campfire / A late night training
February 09, 2014, 12:16:43 AM
The last ray of daylight dissapears in the horizon as Gridish is pulling a cart with some training dummies to the outer skirts of Garadar.
Lofty floats after Gridish "Gridish, are you going to train again!? You've been training like... all day! You really need to get some rest."
Gridish grunts, rolls his shoulders and continues his path to his training grounds.
Gridish stops, and drops the cart just outside of Garadar in an open field. He starts setting up the training dummies one by one.
Some are set further away, some are set closer by. Some are set in groups, some are set alone.

Gridish moves into a position centered compared to the training dummies and Lofty floats up next beside him.
"Gridish.. Why are you doing this - again - You've done it like 20 times today! and most of them were perfect runs!"
Gridish seems to ignore Lofty's bickering and readies his staff.
Quickly after he readies his staff, he charges multiple arcane blasts thru it and launches them towards the outer skirts of the Training Dummy perimiter.
Directly after he freezes a  group of training dummies close to him, while he turns around and decapetates a single training dummy that was standing behind him.
During this event of attacks, Lofty had decided to float up and above all the action, shivering and fearing for his "life".

"Gridish... A-Are you done yet...?"
Gridish looks up at Lofty and nods slowly.
Lofty floats down and starts inspecting the training dummies. "Seems like another perfect run." Lofty turns his attention to Gridish, while Gridish is wrapping up some of the shattered bits of training dummies.
"Gridish... Why are you training so - Rediculously - hard..? Your casting hasn't been better then this in like... ever! If you don't take it easy, you might rip out your stitches too!"
Gridish looks at Lofty for a brief moment, grunts and continues cleaning up his training ground.
Lofty floats after Gridish, following him closely. "Is it because of yesterday's sparring sessions..? You weren't pleased with the results of that?"
Gridish doesn't seem to respond to Lofty's question, and continues his little clean up session by replacing the damaged training dummies with new ones.
"You do know that they have -way- more combat experience then you do, right? You do know it doesn't make you a bad arcanist if you get beaten by them, right?"

Lofty cuts Gridish off and starts floating right in front of him.
"You want to know what's going wrong in your spars? You freeze up, You pretty much forget all of your training. Your mind gets clouded by too many thoughts. You need to calm down and assess your situation!"
Gridish whacks Lofty away and continues placing more training dummies.
"Gridish, I can help you, but you need to listen. Just like when we started on your basic casting! I've seen my fair share of battle mages thruought my stay in Dalaran. Just let me help you..."
Lofty starts to whimper a little, in the hopes that Gridish would listen to him.
Gridish stares Lofty down for a minute, then readies his staff and sternly says "Again."
Game Related / Re: The UI-thread
January 21, 2014, 11:33:23 AM
That orc style UI looks really awesome Koz! I'm jealous :<
Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
January 18, 2014, 04:03:57 PM
So much win Rhonya... saw that video a while ago. it's really awesome xd
Event Planning / Re: Event RP systems.
January 18, 2014, 03:02:26 AM
Today we had the "A Forest of Ash "event, and  it was the story telling type. It was fun and interesting at the same time. The event itself went rather smoothe, it seemed a lot smoother then the BloodiedBlades system, however I do see this event type backfiring in large groups, since the DM has to emote for - every - single action, which will put a lot of pressure on the DM and it could slow the process down a lot.

In the end, I really liked the event tonight. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed myself a lot.. and I believe the rest of the group did as well, but it does need some tweaking, when we are looking at bigger event groups.

* thumbsup*

The Campfire / Re: Letting go.
December 03, 2013, 04:30:41 PM
Very good read Groggles :3. Very good.
Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
November 26, 2013, 05:20:29 PM
That is indeed an amazing video D: