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The Path of Strength

Started by Kozgugore, March 21, 2021, 10:36:04 PM

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Honor, loyalty, trust, duty and courage. These are the tenets and qualities that the Path of Strength favours. From the early days of the Old World when the warlord Githya Redblade led a brutal campaign throughout the lands with his mercenary company, the name 'Red Blade' had already been a household name which was defined by these very traits. When the warband did eventually reform into a clan, however, it did not lose any of these flavors. Instead, the Path of Strength was founded to provide a specialized branch for all orcs with the ambition to turn the art of war into their profession and to protect those of the clan who could not defend themselves. Throughout the centuries, they were called upon countless of times to serve as the first line of defense against those who would threaten the clan, but also to ride out and bring the fight to their enemies themselves.

Following the tradition of the clan of old, the Path of Strength still stands as the largest branch of the Red Blade clan to this day. Led by their Rrosh-tul, the Nag'Ogar serve as the vanguard of the clan in times of war. While every orc is expected to be able to hold a blade in times of need, those of the Path of Strength are the ones who specialize in specific roles and will be the first choice to carry out the most dangerous and no doubt glorious tasks. As a consequence, orcs committing to the Path of Strength will be expected to keep their blades as well as their skills sharpened at all times, always seeking to perfect their skills as well as to expand their array of abilities. Even in times of peace. For in times of peace, the Path of Strength always prepares for war.

Like any clan of old, the Red Blade clan once possessed its own martial branch to call upon in times of strife and conflict. In the time of the clans, these were the Nag'Ogar: the Iron Warriors. They were each handpicked by the Wolfking himself, found worthy to feast in his great hall and to contest one another with bold challenges.

The Nag'Ogar of today are no different. Each are considered to be among the finest warriors that the clan has to offer and, together, they form the backbone of the Red Blade's martial strength. As such, it takes more than just sheer strength to be counted among the Nag'Ogar's very best. The perfect warrior is not only a fine fighter on the battlefield; they are also expected to function as a single unit, able to work together and tackle the mightiest of challenges in the theater of war. In addition to this, Nag'Ogar may be called upon for a wide variety of tasks, limited not only to the front lines, but also guard duty, patrols, reconnaissance, fortifying the clan's positions as well as other support tasks. As such, the Nag'Ogar come in many shapes and sizes, from the archetypal warrior and the lightly armored raider to even magi and battle shaman.

Ranks of the Nag'Ogar:

Every New Blood who has pledged his or her service to the Path of Strength, will always start out as a Grunt - the term for the most standard of warriors within the Horde. No matter the past experience in the Horde military or in other mercenary work, every orc is expected to prove to their Rrosh-tul whether they have what it takes to not only master the basic fighting techniques, but also to work together in a unit of Nag'Ogar. While not yet a fully fledged member of the Path of Strength, they are expected to try their hardest to keep up with the rest and prove that they are up to the challenges that the Path will provide them.

The Battlesworn are the backbone of the Nag'Ogar's ranks: the fully trained and qualified members of the Path of Strength who have shown that they have what it takes to be a reliable warrior for the clan. They represent everything that a traditional Nag'Ogar is supposed to stand for, having mastered all the basics that a warrior of the clan is expected to know.

Seated high and mighty atop their dire wolves, the Bloodriders not only strike an imposing figure, but are also a highly mobile unit. In times of peace, they serve as scouts and specialize in tracking or patrolling the lands. In times of war, they serve as cavalry and pursue the enemies of the clan. Every Bloodrider's bond with their wolf is a special one, trained to have fight together as a single entity.

The Elite are the mightiest warriors that the Nag'Ogar have to offer. Through years of experience, they have time and again shown that they never hesitate to put their lives on the line for the clan's honor and safety. They are second only to the Rrosh-tul themselves, even serving as a second in command should the need arise, and stand as a textbook example of what every Nag'Ogar should strive to become. As such, they take it upon themselves to help guide the younger warriors, showing them the ropes and, much like the Rrosh-tul, ensure that they do not slack or grow complacent.

As the numbers within Clan Redblade grew, so too did their army. With the increasing amount of Nag'Ogar, the need arose to train more of these orcs, as well as to guide them in the field of battle. Inspired by the legendary warriors of old, the Rrosh-tul, the Blood Guard, rose up to be the link between the Chieftain and the Nag'Ogar on the battlefield. Carrying out his exact orders, they would make sure the warriors ended up where they were meant to be, and cut their way through the enemy's ranks under the Rrosh-tul's watchful guidance. After all, it was not martial skill alone that decided the outcome of the battlefield. Even the most skilled warriors require guidance, leadership and inspiration.

Whether a master tactician or a renowned fighter and leader, the Rrosh-tul have been hand-picked by the Chieftain and are trusted to lead his orcs into battle when the need arises. However, even outside of the battlefield does a Rrosh-tul's labor continue. It is the Rrosh-tul's charge to ensure that the Nag'Ogar serving underneath them continue to perfect their skills, training them in all manners of warfare and seeking to bring the best out of every single one of them.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Path Progression

Grunt - Trial of Arms completed
Battlesworn - Trial of Fortitude completed
Bloodrider - Trial of Strife completed
Elite - Trial of Command completed

Reports may be handed in either in-game at the corresponding Elder or via a written IC report. Every final task must be reported at a Clan Meeting. If there are no corresponding Elders available for an extended amount of time, you may report to the Chieftain or another Elder as well.

Trial of Arms

Strength of Arms

Task: Earn your place in the ranks of the Nag’Ogar by sparring with at least three fellow orcs. Victory is not mandatory, but lessons must be learned from the encounter. Use this opportunity to learn of your favoured weapon as well as the Great Spirits of the Clan.

Requirement: Casual RP

Weapon of Choice

Task: Craft a weapon of your choosing either by your own hand or acquire a skilled orc’s assistance. All materials used must be acquired through honest work and may not be bought with gold. Once forged, the weapon must be blessed by a Gosh’kar or Thur’ruk of the clan to imbue it with the power of one of the clan’s spirits, the elements or any other spirit of your own choosing so long as it does not violate the Code of Akashok. You may host a separate event for this with special action required to forge the weapon, but this is not mandatory. Finally, present the weapon to a Rrosh-tul and describe its forging process and the choices made for each step.

Requirement: Casual RP / event and IC report

Reddening of the Blade

Task: Find a special opponent you deem worthy enough to ‘redden’ your weapon with, ensuring the weapon has tasted its first blood. Devote the kill to the clan spirit chosen in the previous ritual. Provide a report of your kill and sacrifice at a Clan Meeting.

Requirement: Casual RP / event and IC report

Trial of Fortitude


Task: Challenge at least three other orcs to different kinds of Ok’Morahs. An Ok’Morah is a personal yet friendly challenge issued between orcs. Each challenge must be different from the other and death or crippling injury is not allowed. Provide a short report of each challenge issued.

Requirement: Casual RP and IC report

Iron Feast

Task: Organise a hunt alongside at least two or more orcs and, using all the food that you managed to gather, organise a feast for the rest of the clan. Any grand feast also requires a good story to tell, so share a story during the feast as well. Provide a short report of the hunt and feast.

Requirement: Casual RP / event and IC report

Vrull's Fortitude

Task: Organise the event known as Vrull’s Fortitude: A series of various competitions open for all to participate in. You may decide upon the challenges yourself, but they could for example be an obstacle course, wrestling games, races, and so forth. Find ways to give your own twist to it, but ensure there are at least two different kinds of challenges. Provide a report of the competitions and its winners at a Clan Meeting.

Requirement: Event and IC report

Trial of Strife

Forging a Bond

Task: Choose a riding wolf with which to bond and train (exceptions may be made for example for wyverns and kodos, but speak to your Rrosh-tul first). Ensure you understand all there is to know about the species and breed of your chosen mount and master your riding skill with it over the course of time. To ensure the bond is thoroughly forged, host at least one event with two or more orcs in which the bond with your companion will be formed, be it through conflict, ritual or otherwise. To commemorate the bonding, craft a personalized ornament for your mount, such as armour, saddle ornament, bridle, face plate or otherwise. Provide a short report of the event and of your chosen ornament.

Requirement: Event and IC report

Mastery of the Lands

Task: Continue to hone your bond by taking your mount into the wilderness. Host at least three patrols with two or more orcs to scout the lands or to patrol the roads. Provide a report of each scouting mission or patrol made.

Requirement: Casual RP and IC report

Tactical Mastery

Task: Apply your newly gained bond and skill in the field. Lead a group of at least four or more orcs on a raiding party from wolfback. Proper application of both skill and strategy must be observed. Provide a report of the raid at a Clan Meeting.

Requirement: Event and IC report

Trial of Command

The Code of Akashok

Task: Be an example to your fellow Nag’Ogar by actively maintaining the Clan’s Code of Akashok. This is expected to be done in casual RP, but should also include at least one lesson to the other orcs on the Code itself that touches on at least a couple of the Code’s tenets. Provide a report of the lesson given.

Requirement: Casual RP and IC report

Educational Warfare

Task: Host at least two different kinds of War Trainings for all orcs of the Clan to participate in. Ensure each training touches on a different kind of subject or tackles a subject in its own, unique way. Provide a report of the results of your training to the Rrosh-tul.

Requirement: Event and IC report

Path to Victory

Task: Host a small campaign that aims to deal with a threat to the Horde or the Clan. This campaign must consist of at least three or more events. Provide a report of the campaign’s results at a Clan Meeting.

Requirement: Campaign and IC report

Trial of Strength

Task: The final step to becoming an Elite of the Path of Strength. A Rrosh-tul and Gosh’kar or Thur’ruk will guide you into a spiritually induced journey that has you facing off against past memories or foes to test what you have learned on the Path of Strength. The Code of Akashok must be upheld throughout the trial.

Requirement: Officer-led event
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Traditions, Challenges and Trials

Iron Feast - Traditionally, the Iron Feast was a rite performed before a large campaign. It was both a hunt and a feast. The Nag'Ogar that chose to take part would be sent out to hunt beasts worthy of their honour. Once the hunters had brought in their kill, the blood would be gathered in a bowl and the meat would be put over a fire. Once all hunters had returned, the Nag'Ogar and those from other paths taking part would begin the feast. The hunters would share the tale of their glorious hunt along with other tales of the past being told. The blood would be saved and blessed by a shaman, and upon the clans departure would be smeared onto the Rrosh'tul and Nag'Ogar as a blessing for the coming fight.

Iron Mettle - Being the best warriors the Clan has to offer, it is important that the Nag'Ogar not only stay sharp, but also know one another's strengths and weaknesses. The Iron Mettle occurs once every two moon cycles in place of a regular war training, and differs in the way that it is a way for any Nag'Ogar to challenge one another in whatever field of combat they prefer in order to grant advice and improvement upon one another. A feast will be held, organized by the Rrosh-tul of the Clan, with food and drink aplenty for those who participate.

Ok'Morah - A personal, although usually friendly, challenge issued from one Nag'Ogar to another. The challenger is customarily expected to set the conditions of the challenge, but death or crippling injury is never permitted.

Rite of Scarring - For orcish warriors, each scar they earn in battle is a part of them and their history, bringing them honor or potentially even a story to tell around the campfire. Within the Nag’ogar, however the Rite of Scarring occurs when a Nag’ogar or in some cases even a Rrosh-tul has broken one or more of the tenets, the clan code, or the very core principles of what it means to be a part of the Iron Guard. Should a Battlesworn Nag'Ogar or higher be faced with the Rite of Scarring - something only a Rrosh-tul can judge - they will stand in front of their fellow Nag’Ogar bare-chested and exclaim their failure for all to hear. And so, using the steel dagger they were given when they became Battlesworn, they will leave a scar across from their heart or weapon arm as a reminder and a lesson of their dishonor. Once the Orc has been marked, they are to be forgiven their transgressions, and treated with the same honor as all other Nag’Ogar, assuming the failure is not repeated.

Vrull's Fortitude - Vrull's Fortitude are a series of commonly held competitions within the Path of Strength, open for all to participate in. The competition will often feature an obstacle course with many trials to overcome, which are based upon the conditions of the region it is held within. Not only winners are honored, as there are many different ways to gain the spectators' respect.

Tenets of the Iron Guard

It is expected of every Nag’ogar to fight with honor, keep to the rules of war and the Code of Akashok. The Nag’ogar are the clans finest warriors, and should in turn serve as an inspiration to their brothers and sisters of the Clan, and as representatives of the clan on the battlefield.  Allies and enemies alike will know what they stand for, and that they can expect to be treated with honor.

Loyalty and Trust
Loyalty and Trust are paramount for the Nag’ogar. Not just towards the Rrosh-tul, but to their fellow Nag’ogar. A Nag’ogar is expected to share bonds of loyalty and trust with their fellow warriors, and to view their fellow Nag’ogar as brothers and sisters, standing side by side on the field of battle knowing that they are to protect the orcs beside them, just as the orcs beside them protect themselves. Any disagreements or questions of broken loyalty and trust are to be solved, if needed by the help of the Rrosh-tul. Two Nag’ogar who do not share trust and loyalty can not fight in unity.

It is expected of a Nag’ogar to live up to their duty as the shield and blade of the clan, and to do so to the best of their ability. As such they are expected to continuously hone their skills, keep their gear in order and keep a watchful eye when in hostile territory.

A Nag’ogar is expected to be courageous, but not foolhardy, they are expected to stand in front of danger, and not buckle in fear. They are the first and last bastion to defend the clan. Cowardice is not a trait harboured by the Nag’ogar, and any orc who wishes to be counted among their number must steel their hearts and minds, as well as their body. The Nag’ogar must be willing to face down even certain death should it be called for to protect the clan.

Duties of the Nag'Ogar


- Keep their gear in order, in preparation for any trials that may arise.

- Patrol the clan's current camp in case of threats.

- Continuously hone their skills in preparation for the trials ahead.


- Keep their gear in order, in preparation for any trials that may arise.

- Patrol the clan's current camp in case of threats.

- Continuously hone their skills in preparation for the trials ahead.

- Patrol the areas surrounding the clan's current camp in the company of other Battlesworn or Grunts.

- Mentor a Grunt in the ways of the Nag'Ogar.
It is important to note that they will not be training said Grunt, instead merely being there as a way to teach them the day-to-day life of the Clan's warriors.


- Keep their gear as well as their wolves - or with the permission of the Rrosh-tul, alternate mounts - in order, in preparation for any trials that may arise.

- Patrol the clan's current camp in case of threats.

- Continuously hone their skills in preparation for the trials ahead.

- Patrol the areas surrounding the clan's current camp in the company of other Nag'Ogar.

- Mentor and train a Grunt in the ways of the Nag'Ogar.

- Lead small war parties to deal with local, smaller threats to the Clan.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade