Orcs of the Red Blade

Tribe Annals => Notice Board => Topic started by: Rhonya on August 13, 2016, 03:17:15 AM

Title: Clean up the leftovers
Post by: Rhonya on August 13, 2016, 03:17:15 AM
Clean up the leftovers


I got word today there are still a few demons left around demonfall Canyon, though most have gone away. Might be time to clear out the remaining few for now, the less we have nearby camp, the better. Be careful though. Don't stray too far into the canyon, and don't stay too long, that place is so corrupted you'll feel it in your bones after a while.

1 Fang per orc.

Additional notes:

3 or more orcs!

Title: Re: Clean up the leftovers
Post by: Gashuk on August 14, 2016, 11:38:25 PM


Non-Red Blades:

Additional notes:

Lead by the disorientated Alpha; Gashuk Felhand, the Tribe and it's followers approached the fel-touched Demonfall Canyon with unease. The Canyon was unnaturally quiet with a mix-match of corpses strewn across it's landscape but as the gathered pushed on, they came across a Human Cultist!

Cutting it down with ease, they ventured up the two sides of the Canyon to face the remaining demon-spawn; a Terror and Doomguard respectively!

It was not without a struggle, but the group slew their foes and returned victorious to Splintertree Post to lick their bloody wounds.
