Orcs of the Red Blade

Tribe Annals => Notice Board => Topic started by: Kozgugore on July 06, 2016, 12:20:07 AM

Title: Supplies from Orgrimmar
Post by: Kozgugore on July 06, 2016, 12:20:07 AM
Supplies from Orgrimmar

With our return to the homelands, we may once more focus our efforts on resupplying and getting things back in order. To ensure all supplies are well-stocked and properly distributed, trade routes are to be established between our present encampment and the merchants of Orgrimmar. I need orcs to ensure a steady stream of supplies remains in order for the duration of our stay here, so get those caravans going!

For the Blood of the Tribe,

Kozgugore Feraleye
Wolfking of the Red Blade

1 Fang per orc, per successful caravan.

Additional notes:
Quest can be repeated. Minimum of 3 orcs required. Interaction with outsiders is encouraged within Orgrimmar.

Title: Re: Supplies from Orgrimmar
Post by: Azolg on July 27, 2016, 08:26:13 PM

Written in eloquent calligraphy style handwriting.

A caravan was heading back from the Mor'shan ramparts and thus required an escort. I gathered what Orcs I could find that were willing to escort the caravan, and agreed for some basic food supplies as payment; Meat and water. Along the way the Goblin took a de-tour through the black sludge. We found a Tauren female who was stuck in the sludge, and after saving her she slipped up and it was revealed she was a Necromancer. A low-level tome of beginner Necromantic magic hidden as "Arcane for Beginners" was on her person, along with many reagents for some of the rituals in the tome (I, Azolg confirmed this was the case.) We took her captive and turned her over to the Orgrimmar city guard when we arrived.

The caravan was a success and the Tauren was taken into custody where she will stand trial. I volunteered to act as witness on the groups behalf, of which Nosh'marak, Nag'ogar, approved. The trial will be held in a few days.



Additional notes:

Title: Re: Supplies from Orgrimmar
Post by: Rhonya on August 13, 2016, 03:01:36 AM
((Quest not do-able anymore due to being blocked off from Orgrimmar.))