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Topics - Alkri

Event Planning / Alkri's death!
April 30, 2010, 02:51:54 PM
OOC: Hello, I have decided I want to stop playing Alkri, there's a few reasons why, main reason is that I dont find the warrior class to suit my play style and that is enough for me to stop playing a character. I need to have fun when playing a character, I can't seem to enjoy my warrior sadly.

So I have decided I'm gonna transfer either my 80 Hunter or my 80 Rogue, make a new application for either of the characters and start fresh again in the tribe, with a new name, new backround story etc.

Now, I kinda need your help with this.. I want Alkri to die in a RP event, then kick him from the guild, if that would work out. I basically need your help to plan Alkri's death.

Does all this sound ok?
Game Related / RP set help
April 26, 2010, 01:16:06 AM
Hello, I need your help I guess, I can't decide wich RP set to use. /sigh

Which RP set should I choose out of the 3 sets I got? (I basically want your opinion on which set you like the best, I personally like them all)

Off Topic / Thunder Jump (Movie by Alkri and Keha)
April 20, 2010, 05:23:19 AM
This is a movie me and Keha made a while ago before we transfered to Defias Brotherhood. Keha on her shaman, and me on my rogue wich still is on my old server.

Enjoy !