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Topics - Choohan

Game Related / Greetings from the past
October 26, 2011, 03:42:40 PM
Hello orcs!

I'm not sure how many of the oldtimers that still remain but to those who do, and to those who has joined since my days, I would just like to pop in and say hello î,,

How are you guys doing these days? I watched the promovideo and I must say it was niiice!
Seems you lads are still going strong and I'm very happy that's the case. WHO knows, perhaps one day I will find my way back...


For the Matriarch!
Game Related / Orcs of the Red Sail (Freesky)
May 30, 2009, 12:04:43 AM
Few days ago I discovered a new game. It's a free, multiplayer strategygame called Freesky

It's a really nice game with alot of tactical thinking and different strategys.

If any of you feel like trying it out I've got a character at server 2-4 Elysium named Namali, I joined the shadow side *evil laugh*

I made an alliance named Orcs of the Red Sail, come join, Now!

*goes back to lurking in the shadows*
Game Related / My brother reactivated my account
March 04, 2009, 02:27:35 AM
My brother has returned to WoW after over a year and he did this by reactivating "our" account. I told him he could use my chars to lend money and items from but to stay away from the 70s (Panda, Choohan, Namali, Rakhmu) However there's a chance he'll act like a regular littlebrother and dont listen to me, so if you see any of my old chars poping in you know what's going on.
The Campfire / Slumber...
February 05, 2009, 10:11:58 PM

The mother yeti dropped the dead furbolg on the cave floor next to her cub. She had killed the furbolg savagely but now she was looking at her young with the same tenderness as any mother observing her newborn.
It was late and usualy the young yeti eagerly threw itself over everything his mother brought him, but tonight something was different. The cub was staring at the icy wall of the cave, and the shade within it.
The cub draw its paw across the frozen wall, its claws leaving thin lines in the ice, before turing to its mother, giving up a small roar and forgot all about the shade and threw itself over the late dinner.

(( to be continued...))
Game Related / Lok'tar orcs
October 22, 2008, 10:54:31 PM
Wow, it has been a while so I thought I'd drop by and check up on you.

So, what's new?  :)
Game Related / Goodbye and special thanks
September 01, 2008, 01:29:43 PM
I know far to well I haven't been active in the tribe the last month but I still feel I owe this to OotrB.

About one year ago I went through almost the same thing, only differences was that back then I inteded to come back after a couple of months break, this time I dont.

WoW has taken voer far to much of my life and if I'm not already, I'm way to close to become addicted, hence I quit.

My thanks go to the tribe as a whole and specialy the oldtimers, you really are the best guild on defias, dont let anyone tell you different.

Perhaps I'll see some of you in WAR, if I can manage to keep that at a sane level.
The Campfire / Spirit Walking
December 26, 2007, 12:35:35 AM
((Copy-paste from Seers retreat since Ug asked so nicely :) ))

The sooth smell of the slowly burning herbs filled the cave and made the air feel fresh and clean, almost young, unused.

The shaman slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose as he was starting to fall into a trace, freeing his spirit from the matherial world.

He opened his eyes again, the cave around him looked different. Everything seemed as if seen on the surface of a lake, moving and shivering and all colors seemed to have dimed. He turned around and looked at his own body sitting at the ground in the back of the cave, breething slowly.

He walked slowly out of the cave, yet his feets never really touched the ground. Outside the cave was a small valley in the mountains, small bits of grass here and there and large rocks lay scattered across the landscape.

Something moved to his right. It seemed to come straight out from the very mountain. First came a pair of bulky arms which were attatched to an even more bulky and lumbering torso. The spirit was taller then the shaman, standing almost two and a half meter tall, with a small, oval head, it was the spirit of one of the earth elemetals that dwelled in the mountain.

The spirit moved towards the shaman and stoped infront of him. Its glowing eyes looked down at him and it reached out one of its large hands. In its palm lay a tiny figurine, shaped as a dwarf. The figurine was different from everything else since it still had its colors and still seemed solid, as if it was not a part of the spirit world.

The spirit closed its three massive fingers around the figurine and, with a loud crack, crushed it.

The shaman looked up at the spirit and noded slowly, the message was clear. He turned around and walked back into the cave. There he placed his hand on the head of his body, still sitting on the ground and closed his eyes for a breaf moment.

When he opened his eyes once again he was back in the matherial world, sitting on the ground with pieces of shattered rock lay infront of him.
Game Related / Faction forums?
December 18, 2007, 03:26:39 PM
Do we have separate parts of the forum of members of the different factions? In case we do I cant use mine (seer)  :o
Game Related / Shaman talent tree for WotLK
December 18, 2007, 03:22:03 PM
I've been working on some ideas for the updated talent tree for shamans for WotLK. Please add comments and feedback.
Cant seem to find the post about that addon.

Has any others tried out the new version and checked if it's les bugy then the old one? Because if it is I'm releasing a new version of the Gnome Cookbook soon...
The Campfire / A new Seer
December 11, 2007, 12:54:17 PM
(( Posting to celebrate my new rank as Seer of the blades  ;D ))


The voice sounded different, somehow distant. Raála pulled away the peice of fabric that was the tents door and stepped inside. The first thing he noticed was the absence of light, the big tent was only lightened by the fading remains of a fireplace in its center. Small sparks sporadicly flew up from the clowing pieces of coal. A dark, shady figure sat at the opposit site of the tent, it was the shaman who had sent for him.

Raála could not make out much of of his looks, he seemed to be wrapped in a blanket of some sort and his face was cowered by a wolfmask, atleast that's what Raála thought. The lack of light and the smoke that filed the tent made all details blurry.

"Come young warrior, sit."

Raála sat down on the floor.

"Throm'ka seer. I was told you wished to speak with me, may I as..."

"Last night ya had a dream, correct?"

The eyes of the shaman seemed to glow with a pae yellow light as he fixed his gaze on Raála.

"Yes, I did. How did you..."

"Oh we all 'ave dreams, young warrior. Now, tell me about yers."

For a second a flame rose from the near burned out fire, casting some light at the shaman. Raála could see that he had a staff in the shape of a serpent in his lap.

" I dreamt I was in a glade in the woods, at dusk it must have been for I could see the sun setting bewtween the trees. Infront of me stood a wolf, but this was a wolf like none I've ever seen. It was white as snow, apart from the eyes, those eyes...They were blacker then the darkest night, it was as if light itself feared them and hid from them.

The wolf stood there, seemingliy unaware of me, looking in between the trees. And out from the trees came a beast that I had never seen before. It was as big as the wolf but it had nothing of the beauty of a wolf. It had dark fur, a long tail and black claws. It snarled and growled as it slowly walked towards the wolf. It stopped and the two beasts stared at eachother for what seemed like an age. Then, as if on a given signal, they launched themself at eachother.

The battle that followed was a pure show of raw power. Claws and fangs ripped in flesh with a speed that seemed out of this world. I do not know how long the battle lasted but the sun was now gone, yet there was light left in the glade, it seemed to come from the ground and the trees themself.

The other beast gave up a one last growl as the wolf sunk its long fangs into it throat and bit down hard, then all was still. The wolf was no longer white, it was red, coweredfrom nose to tail in its own and its fallen enemys blood. The wolf threw its head back and gave up a howl. A more victorious and proud sound has never been heard in this world and from all around came answering howls, houndreds of them.

Suddenly the wolf turned and looked straight at me for just a split second and then I woke up."

Raála felt coold even thou it was a warm summernight outside and even warmed within the tent. The shaman picked up something from a bowl to his left and threw it in the remains of the fire. Bright red flames flew up and dark, crimson smoke filled the tent in seconds.

"The wolf ya saw, did it look like this?"

The shamans voice seemed to come from all around Raála and the he almost fell backwards. Infront of him was the wolf he had seen in his dream, once again its fur was bright white and it wore no signs or wounds of battle. Suddenly the smoke faded and the image of the wolf with it.

"Yer eyes answer my question, ya don' have to tell me."

The light in the shamans eyes were now burning with a light like the fullmoon.

"Ya got a gift, young warrior. A gift of foresight."

"Me? But why me? I am no shaman, I know nothing of the ways of the spirits or how to talk to them."

"I said ya had a gift, not all gifts." A grin spread across the shamans lips "Yer dream tells of battle an' I have no doubt wha' the wolf stands for."

"It's us aint it? It's the tribe!"

The shaman noded.

"Aye, it is. An' it seems we are to win the battle ahead! Now, tell me more about this beast the wolf slayed"