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June 01, 2024, 12:06:57 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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The Campfire / Re: Letters to Home
Last post by Bamm - August 14, 2021, 03:10:29 PM
Letters home


How are y'all doing Boss?? Shitfire it been a while! :)

Its your favourite student BAMM, that is BAMM IRONSPARK!!!
Yep, i got me a creation name like you! Well sorta Orcs are different like y'all said buts we's the same in many thangs! They hunt for the their name y'all build it! SAME THANG! Y'all have cartels they gots clans. Soon as folk see our similarities rather than our differences man i tell you what we gonna get on real well like!? :) :)

Anywho what was i writing about oh YEAH!! :)
I am doing real swell like like, i gots some nice folk around me and we gets into all kinds of fun! Like that time me and you got stuck on the zepplin full of naked half burnt dwarves? That was some FUN i tell you what!  I am well treated, not paid, well they pay me in kindness and respo.. respsonso... repsonobilililites. i tell you what that's almost as shiny

Yeah SO i want thank ya for passing on my half of our royalties these last few months. I have done built me a Gryocopter! not from scratch persee i stole it from some 'romancers in Northrend, then i crashed it into a vrykul village there cause a talking dragon shot me and a pal down!..... SO MUCH FUN.. but yeah i done rebuilt it and can fly it real well now
I call it the JITTERBUG!

Love ya PAL always man shitfire!

your bestest student and friend BAMM :) <3

ps. Boomer says hi
Applications / Re: Application: Dharra
Last post by Nakobu - June 14, 2021, 12:57:33 AM
Hi there Dharra,

Apologies for the late reply to you on here - not too many check the site that often! You've not done anything wrong at all, please do try again to get in contact with one of us in-game if you are still interested in joining. A /who Orcs of the Red Blade should hopefully help you in getting hold of someone. Alternatively, feel free to add me on Discord (seki#3082) and I can help you from there.

Hopefully we get to hear from / see you soon!
Applications / Re: Application: Dharra
Last post by phantomfruit - May 31, 2021, 07:45:58 PM
Hi guys! A bit of a follow up to our correspondance.

I tried to contact you in the game right away. I whispered each member I found on the AA list 9-10pm server time, but the system threw back my messages with "No player named XY is playing at the moment". A day later I wrote you an in-game mail but no response so far. I even scanned the map and cruised around in Kalimdor and Outland (haha), with no success.

Please let me know what to do, or if I did anything wrong. Thank you.
Applications / Re: Application: Dharra
Last post by phantomfruit - May 22, 2021, 07:15:10 PM
Thank you for the swift and exhaustive reply! :O

Yeah, this age thing is something I understand, but it's very difficult to wrap my head around it, hence the weird description. Sorry for the confusion!

This is very exciting! I'll try to get a hold of someone soon. Thank you once again!
Applications / Re: Application: Dharra
Last post by Vraxxar - May 22, 2021, 11:09:21 AM
Hello there, Dharra!
First of all, thank you for applying for the guild! I am Vraxxar, one of the officers in the guild. I've read through everything and I'll try to reply to everything you wrote. So I hope you'll be satisfy with my answer.

We have had other members who have been new to RP, and we're happy to help you to grow and answer any question!
You don't need to worry about being slow with typing or struggling with keeping up when there are a lot of people around. Several among us, me being one, have the same or similar struggles. I'm a slow reader, which makes slow in replying during RP.  :P

As for your ideas and knowing lore, you don't need to worry about that either. We welcome and encourage people to come with ideas! Lore, do's and don'ts are things we can handle afterwards, but in the end we'd still try and make that idea work. One way or another.

Now, your character.

I can't see anything that would be bad, wrong or cause any problems. I will just point out a couple of things that might help you.

Your character can definitely been a part of the Earthen Ring. So no worries there!
I saw you wrote that she has reached adulthood by human standards. I just want to make it clear that humans are adults around 18 years old, while orcs are considered adults around 12 years old. Orcs mature faster.

Other than all this, I can't think of anything else that needs to be said. So consider your application approved! ^^
Next step is to contact a member in-game for an invite to the Guild, the OOC Community chat, and Discord! Most guild members can do this so just poke anyone!
I look forward to see on discord! :)
Applications / Application: Dharra
Last post by phantomfruit - May 22, 2021, 02:21:44 AM
I'm aware that it is not officially required to post an application here anymore, but since I'm new to in-game RP and generally shy, I would like to get some feedback on my character before taking this further. I wouldn't like to mess up anyone's experience nor waste the guild's time with a bad or undesirable concept.

Name: Dharra (Dharrah on AD)
Level: 53 (Still struggling to find the motivation to reach max lvl, but getting there.)

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I have been playing for a couple of years, in various fandoms and platforms BUT I'm new to ingame RP. My friends gave me a bit of an addon and socializing tutorial and I have participated in a couple of events, that's all.

Known issues: It's a bit difficult to follow things when there are a lot of people around (even with Listener) and I'm generally slow, as I'm used to being able to take my time and just type away long, long paragraphs... Another thing is that my ideas usually come faster than my free time to read lore, which got me in trouble A LOT. I'm working on this now though! I read the most important orcish history and cultural notes both on wowpedia and the clan specific things here as well, so now I'm definitely more confident than during my previous trials.

And finally, please write a short story and/or (IC) introduction about your character:

"We are leaving" grunted the hunter and placed his enormous hand on his little sister's shoulder, who was still staring at the marching orcs in the distance. So few left against the overwhelming threat... they had no chance. "It is Hellscream's order." Her reply was just a harsh movement that tore her shoulder away from his hand. "I said we are leaving. They won't be able to keep the gate up for long."

"Go if you want to. I'm staying" she said in an uncharacteristically somber tone. Her cheerful and optimistic demeanor was gone for good, and this made the hunter even more desperate. Not turning her gaze away from her adored Warchief, she fixed her gear, called her wolf Frostbite, and began to walk in the opposite direction of the gate that led the Mag'har to their survival.

"I said WE ARE GOING!" The hunter stepped forward and grabbed her shoulder once more. Dharra responded quickly: she spun and launched her fist at Draghar's jaw.

A brawl of despair began between the siblings, while the small pack of wolves they called their family started to circle around. Draghar tried to grapple his sister, attempting to immobilise her, but she fought with teeth and claw against him, so it wasn't an easy task. She empowered her attacks with fire and ice, wounding her brother at multiple places, who was still trying not to cause any harm.

"You coward!"

"It's an order! We have to leave!"

"Mother and father would stay!"

"They are dead! They would want you to live!"

"You have no right to tell me what to do!"

"I won't watch you die for a lost cause! I made a promise...!"

"I don't care!"

Eventually, as a last resort, the hunter grabbed the orcess and headbutted her hard enough for her to lose consciousness. Frostbite was ready to jump at the man, but his wolves, among them the alpha of their little pack, disciplined the animal.

"I'm sorry, Pup" he muttered to his sister as he took the girl's belongings from the ground. With his sister and their entire life on his shoulders, the hunter saluted to the orcs in the distance, then turned to join the rest of the refugees through the portal.


She was born and brought up on AU Draenor after Gul'dan's defeat. She is one of that last generation that reached adulthood (by human standards), and one of those last shamans who went through the entire training and every traditional ritual.

When the orcs had to leave Draenor, the siblings were enlisted to the army in the war against the Alliance, but the chaotic nature of the elements on Azeroth proved difficult to control for the inexperienced shaman, posing a threat to both factions in combat, and so, by her brother's will and through connections, she left the army and joined the Earthen Ring for further training.

...but one can only learn so much by staying isolated. The wounds she received in her homeland are still fresh, she cannot stand the smell of the Draenei. While staying losely affiliated with them, she left their areas of operation to seek a sense of belonging and an environment that allows her to practice and cultivate traditions. She left without informing her brother.

(Important note: I'm not sure about the Earthen Ring bit, since wowpedia says it's a group of the most powerful shamans, but I don't know where else she would be directed when facing this particular problem with the elements, so I thought, given the Mag'har orcs situation, this might work. I accept if you disagree and I'm open for suggestions!)

My vision:
An intense, inexperienced, but deeply spiritual wisewoman-in-training who always has a smile to offer to allies while her blood is being boiled by the hatred against those who ruined her homeland. At the moment she can only perform tasks that allow a longer time to attune to the elements, such as healing and cleansing, which is becoming her specialty, while she needs to be re-trained for combat.

Thank you for reading! :)
The Campfire / Letters to Home
Last post by Bamm - April 11, 2021, 11:50:42 AM


ITS YOUR SON BAMM!!!!!!!!! <3

"What in fel tarnation i can hear you say?"

Well shitfire 'member how i told y'all before bout how these Red blade folk Arkail was telling me about to join and learn about Orc life and how y'all said it sounded like a good idea, but not to get too carried away? You remember dad right? well y'all said he was like real smart and charming and could talk his way into and outta more trouble than it was worth and spoke purdy like? Well he is nuttier than marmot shit now i tell you what.... rambling and raving nonsense. i am looking after him dont worry i am a good boy like you raised me to be! :)

Anyhow what was i saying? Oh yeah I am BAMM IRONSPARK now! I took part in a Om'riggor and i killed talbulk real smart like using a trap! I was naked as the day i was born at the time but that aint important. Yeah so i did that and gave me a name and i swore an oath to the demi gods they follow nice folk we had to go to the afterlife to rescue one recently he is nice!!

What was i saying oh yeah :)
Uh yeah i am adult now you're lil fella all grown up. I even started training in a part of the clan called Nag'ogar which is like the shield of the group. I am gonna protect them cause they my friends but its also like leadership and bringing hope in bad times and taking respsonibility for yourself and others conduct! You and gearoid always said that was important. So i doing as you taught me!

If ya see gearoid say howdy from his bestest student BAMM IRONSPARK. i hope his robo legs aintseizeing up too much!

How are things with y'all hope the captain is treating you right and y'all are sailing well and getting into fun adventures?

Making you proud i hopes
your ever loving son


p.s Boomer says hi!

Red Blade Records / Thiama
Last post by Thiama - April 06, 2021, 05:27:43 PM

Name: Thiama
Alias: Lady Woodchuck/Stormeye
Rank: New blood

Age: Exact unknown â€" between 19-24
Gender: Female
Race: Orc
Clan: Unknown/none
Class: Hunter
Alignment: Lawful neutral

Family: Hrigna Stormclaw â€" Grimtotem mercenary (adoptive mother) - deceased
Known Friends: Sootskin, Ratha, Verzan
Known Enemies: Chancer Goret â€" vulpera mage/merchant caravan owner

A tall orc with pale green skin: Thiama is a striking figure.  Long, dark aqua hair; badly cut and braided; scruffily frames her broad features and dusky red eyes. Her tusks are large and ears sharply pointed, adorned with numerous fang based piercings. Dark red, almost war paint like tattoos cover her face and flow down over her right shoulder, accenting the curves of her muscular form. Around her right bicep is the crushed and twisted barrel of a rifle; while encasing the lower part of her left arm is a mechanical frame that ends in a half metallic gauntlet.

Her clothing and armour are both well-worn and maintained; mainly of Horde military issue, with a handful of more unusual parts. Each emblem upon the Horde gear has been removed and the red colouration shifted to blue tones.
Distinct parts of her attire include: a wide horned helm, the faceplate of which is etched into the stylized image of a talbuk; a tauren necklace that serves as her belt and a large, roughly braided leather strap that hangs around her neck.

Weaponry - A large bow, adorned with bones and feathers and wears a quiver upon her hip when carrying it. Strapped to her thigh is an axe that seems to be made from the stock of a rifle.

Thia comes across as quiet, watchful; a bit of a towering wallflower at times. She is proud, slow to trust and blunt but always willing to lend a hand. Her loyalty, once earned is unbreakable.

The circumstances of her birth and bloodline are a mystery to her. Raised by a tauren mercenary/courier; she quickly learnt how to be self-sufficient, bartering and learning more skills to make herself more ‘worthy’ and how to distrust.
Before even reaching maturity, Thiama, alongside her adoptive mother was part of the logistics bringing supplies into Northrend for the Horde. Tragedy struck and the young orc was left to fend for herself; leaving her to survive from only the kindness of whomever would take her in. She eventually ended up in the care of another tauren; a windrider master. Remaining by his side, she grew up training the beasts and heading out with the Horde to Pandaria. She stayed there for a few years; deciding to take on her own path after her experiences there. She was accompanied by her tiger companion, Sen and now lacking part of her left arm.
With some contacts in the Horde, Thiama managed to make a living as a courier and supply caravan escort. One such caravan was travelling through Tanaris, toward Cenarion Hold when the great sword destroyed Silithus. Sen was lost in the chaos and Thiama gained a bond with a nightsaber she would later call Zhargara.
She remained within the Horde forces until after Sylvanus’ betrayal; where, disillusioned, she decided to become fully mercenary.
Thiama joined the Red Blades on a whim after her employment with a vulpera went sour. What destiny follows is yet to be decided.

Things you may know about this character:
She is clueless about orc culture and speaks Orkish without the knowledge or inflections of a native speaker.
She has more of a bond with animals than people.
Her demeanour is clearly tauren influenced, as are her choice of tattoos.
She dislikes spirits and elementals.
Odds & Ends / Re: Om'riggor Transcripts
Last post by Zakarah - March 25, 2021, 03:22:00 PM

I am Nrak of the Dragonmaw. For my hunt, I slayed an Elekk.

My father once slew a Rylak in lands now gone. There are no Rylaks, and no wyrms like in the Highlands. I decided to hunt the biggest thin' I could find.

Grm. Many beasts roam here. Talbuk, those scrawny birds, Clefthood. Fair game. But I'd shame m' ancestors if that's all I went for. I saw an Elekk in t' distance. A big bastard o' a bull. It slowly grazed towards a tree.

I snuck alon' t' grass like, climbed t' tree an'... waited. Took t' lumberin' Elekk 'bout fifteen to twenty minutes t' get near enough..

I leapt from t' brances, axe in hand an' I drove my it down it's thick skull! There I was, a top t' Elekk, my axe lodged in it's noggin'. It trashed an' threw me off, I slammed into t' ground. It lifted me wit' it's tusk an' flung me trough t' air.

I tried liftin' my left arm an' failed, I tried runnin' but my legs refused. I stood m' ground. Fel damn me if I was goin' ter let that son o' a bitch get t' better o' me.

It charged at me. With everythin' I had left I dipped to the side, an' grabbed its hide. I poured all m' might into holdin' on. Barely managin' t' get back on its head.. There I grabbed by axe by the hilt. The beast recoiled in pain.

In it's pain it slammed into t' very tree I jumped from. That was t' moment I needed, to live, to kill. I lodged m' axe from it's skull and brought down t' killin' blow. My axe split it's skull, tore open it's skin. Ended it's life.. That was m' hunt.

Name given: the Slayer
Odds & Ends / Re: Om'riggor Transcripts
Last post by Zakarah - March 25, 2021, 03:20:15 PM

So... I didn’t have a plan for where to go or what to hunt. I’ve never hunted anywhere on this world, let alone this region. So I let the spirits guide me.
A part of me felt like I should do north, so north I went. When I crept through that mountain pass, I saw the most beautiful place, like something I’d never seen!
A swamp covered in massive mushrooms, as tall as trees. Like the shorelines back home, but a whole forest of them. Something about it reminded me of the Tanaan Jungle.
Not its flora or fauna or the humidity… or the mosquitos. But something… deeper?     The land itself just felt familiar. I guess it’s hard to explain, so uh- anyway! I knew I had found the right hunting grounds.
I stalked through the swamp, spotting various animals flying between the big mushroom caps. Large fireflies, fanged sting rays, and an animal that looked like some kind of… bat-mushroom-thing. I was trying to figure out how I’d reach the flying animals when I spotted my prey.

Striding through the swamp was a massive creature: as big as a house! It stood upon three tall legs and had two equally long tentacle-like arms. Its body was smaller, about the side of a wolf. It looked sort of like a squid or a jelly fish. And in its centre: a big, glowing yellow eye.
It was a fierce predator, but beautiful and graceful at the same time. I was mesmerized. I’d found my prey!

I watched the animal for a while, hiding in the brush and behind the fungal stalks. Its legs were thin, but covered in a sort of carapace. It reached down with its long arms to grab what I think was a lizard or frog from the mud to eat. I then realized I couldn’t fight it head on. Its weakest point, its softer body, was far out of my reach, but it could easily attack me with its tendrils. I had to even the odds.

I looked around and found these vines growing from one of the mushrooms. I climbed up one and started trying to gnaw through one of the vines- uh, until I realized I had a knife. Heh. I cut and gathered vines until I was satisfied. I tied the varies vines together to create a kind of makeshift rope. I then searched around for a suitably dense part of the fungal forest and I set my trap!

Once the trap was ready, I stepped out in the open near the strider and did my best wounded talbuk impression. Woooouuuuueeeeeh!
Uh, anyhow! The animal slowly turned its large eye towards me and made a startling hissing noise! I turned and ran and, predictably, it gave chase! I made sure to stay out of the way of its grasping tendrils. I was leading it back to where I had set my trap, but the strider had a trick up its sleeve…

A kind of… beam of blue energy shot from its eye and towards me! I didn’t know it could do that and wasn’t prepared. It hit me in the back and I went down. It burned like mage’s fire or a shaman’s lightning. I tried to crawl away when I felt one of its arm coiling around my ankle. It lifted me up towards its maw…

…but I stabbed its arm, causing it to drop me back onto the spongy ground. I twisted my ankle, but I managed to crawl away from it just in time! I ran and turned the corner around the next mushroom. I slid through the mud, grabbed the vine I had left there and waited. Sure enough, the strider rounded corner and strode towards me. I had put the makeshift vine-rope between two fungal stalks and hid it in the shallow water. I waited till the strider was just in the right spot and…
…pulled! The vine was pulled taught and raised up. The beast’s long spindly legs tripped over the rope and it fell down to earth! I had to be quick.
I ran as quick as I could, trying to close the distance. It discharged another beam of energy, but this time I was ready! I dodged, then reached the strider. It laid belly-up and I tried to get onto it to stab its soft underbelly, but the animal fought back fiercely.
It grabbed me with its tendrils and squeezed tight. I stabbed into its underbelly as fast and as hard as I could, trying to kill it before it squeezed me to death! I stabbed and stabbed and stabbed… until its grip loosened. I had killed it!

I kneeled on the wet ground and asked the spirits to guide the soul of this fierce and graceful creature to the afterlife. And I thanked them for showing me such beauty that was the marsh. I cut out the strider’s eye and covered myself in- okay, well, I think it’s blood. There was nothing red inside it. I checked. Uh, but back to the story.

Actually, that was the story! I said one last prayer to the spirits and bade the strider farewell. It was stronger and bigger than me, but I had been faster and craftier! It was a strong beast and it fought well. I’m glad to have hunted it for my om’riggor.

Name given: the Viper