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Topics - Zak

Applications / Application - Zakariathron
April 06, 2015, 07:02:53 PM
Zakariathron Griefscar - Defias Brotherhood


Level 41 (currently leveling)
In regards to my role playing experience in the past I've role played my fair part. My current main is on Argent Dawn which I am sure you know is a RP realm. I've done quite a few styles of RP, just sitting in the tavern and IC and attending huge events. Various things.


Zakaria stands small with his crooked hands around his staff and his back bent, his eyes bright crimson. He walks with a limp but it looks as if he could end someones life in an instant, definitely not to be under estimated. He looks as if he is constantly concious and wary of who he is with and his surroundings.

Most notably is his scar which stretches from the top right of his face all the way down to the bottom left of his face, he doesn't seem to be ashamed of his scar. As if he carries it as a trophy of some sort. Luckily the scar doesn't pass through his eye. The scar looks quite deeply embedded into his face.

It's obvious he is a warlock or something of that sort as it looks like his eyes are burning, and his veins look some what a different colour.

- Backstabber
- Not trustworthy
- Lonely

Zakariathron banished from his previous clan due to treason and stirring trouble within the midst of the clan, the name of which shall not be mentioned.  Zakariathron who was now starving for revenge would plot his plan to strike back and overthrow all those who defied him. After somewhat a life changing experience happened to him one night while travelling in Durotar. It seemed to be the spirit of his father, whom he never met, but something told him it was his father something he doesn't what it is but it did. His father simply told him to move on and that he would disgrace his fathers legacy. Zakariathron obviously astonished and speechless, but he managed to spurt out something 'Why... now?' Zakariathron gave up and let go of his thirst for revenge and moved on. It seemed he had disappeared, some thought he was dead where others thought he was still plotting revenge. Nobody knew.  Until recently, Zakariathron returned. He spoke to nobody and nobody spoke to him. Although he seemed to be a new person and weaker than before he's still the same. An orc, powerful and ready for battle. Seeking a new clan, a new haven, a new life.

Apologies if I went to in depth haha, but yeah. 

I needed to include all of these they're just to cool.   :)  ;)  :D  ;D  >:(  :(  :o  8)  ???  ::)  :P  :-[  :-X  :-\  :-*  :'(