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Frequently Asked Questions

Started by Kozgugore, July 12, 2008, 12:10:25 AM

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1.0 Applying to ORB
1.1 I want to join ORB, but I’m not that much of a writer. Do I have to write an application?
1.2 I want to join ORB, but my knowledge on orcish lore in Warcraft is pretty limited. Can you help me?
1.3 I want to join ORB, but I’m a casual player and might be offline for a long amount of time every now and then. Is this a problem?
1.4 I’m interested in joining ORB, but I don’t want to play an orcish toon. Is this possible?
1.5 Should I apply for membership to ORB, what are the things you will look for in my application?
1.6 Does ORB have any level or class restrictions?
1.7 What kind of orcs does ORB accept?
1.8 What are the guild rules?

2.0 General Information
2.1 I have heard of ORB before. How long have you been around?
2.2 On which server can I find ORB?
2.3 Another orc guild? There's so many of them! What sets you apart?
2.4 Does ORB have an active guild bank? How does it work?
2.5 How do you explain the IC guild chat?
2.6 Is usage of the IC guild chat mandatory?
2.7 Does ORB have any OOC channels?
2.8 Where can I find ORB’s IC story?

3.0 Guild Structure
3.1 Is ORB a clan?
3.2 Weren't you called a 'tribe' previously?
3.3 Is it possible for my orc to remain loyal to his or her own clan?
3.4 What are the current ranks in ORB?
3.5 What's the point of Pariahs?
3.6 What if I want to RP a normal civilian? Is there a place for me in the guild?
3.7 Can orcs change their mind and transfer between the Paths?

4.0 Non-Members
4.1 I’ve seen a member of ORB behave OOC in an IC channel or break one of the guild's rules. What should I do?
4.2 I would like to speak to an officer of ORB on certain matters. Who should I contact?
4.3 I’m interested in running events with ORB. How can I contact you?

5.0 Forums
5.1 I’ve been accepted as a member into ORB, but I don’t seem to have full access to the forums yet. How can I get access?
5.2 I’m no member of ORB, but I want to recieve full access to your forums. Is this possible?
5.3 Who are the orcs featured at the top of the website?

6.0 Events
6.1 How often does ORB run events?
6.2 Who is and who isn’t allowed to organise events in ORB?
6.3 Can I join ORB events as an outsider?

7.0 Player versus Player
7.1 Does ORB have any PvP rules?
7.2 Does ORB run any WPvP events?
7.3 Do you run any Rated Battlegrounds or Arenas?

8.0 Player versus Environment
8.1 I want to be a member of ORB, but I’m interested in PvE as well. Do you run any PvE instances?
8.2 I want to join ORB, but I’m interested in high-end PvE as well. Can I swap back and forth from this guild to an PvE guild every now and then?

Note: This FAQ may constantly be subject to change.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


1. 0 Applying to ORB

1.1 I want to join ORB, but I’m not that much of a writer. Do I have to write an application?
Writing an application used to be mandatory. However, since we noticed not everyone is a good writer, we have, at times, eased down on the application part. If you’re not the writing type, contact an ORB officer in-game any time - be it IC or OOC - and tell them you would like to join ORB in order to set up an IC meeting. If you manage to impress the officers with your in-game RP after an IC interview, you will be accepted as a New Blood. Do bear in mind that a forum application is preferable and may be more suitable if you consider yourself a beginner in (orc) RP, as we can help you sort out your character through a forum application if need be. It would also give us a better impression of you and the orc we're dealing with.

1.2 I want to join ORB, but my knowledge on orcish lore in Warcraft is pretty limited. Can you help me?
Certainly. We don’t expect everyone to know every single piece of orcish lore in the Warcraft universe, but having some basic knowledge will certainly get you a long way. If you’re not too familiar with orc lore, however, you can look up several useful threads in our compendium links at the top of this FAQ. Additionally, you're free to contact anyone in-game and ask them if they can help you along in developing your character’s story.

Aside from that, you could also consider looking up the pages on orcish lore on Wowpedia, which contains a plethora of general information on the orcish race in Warcraft. On top of that, there’s the timeline sticky that can help you with the intricate timeline of Warcraft's lore.

1.3 I want to join ORB, but I’m a casual player and might be offline for a long amount of time every now and then. Is this a problem?
Not at all. We have both hardcore as well as casual players in our ranks. Since we focus on RP, we don’t require you to be online every single day or even week. We currently do not have any rules whatsoever that involves kicking members due to inactivity. However, we would of course appreciate it if you would leave us a message if you expect to be gone for a certain amount of time. Our only exception is that New Bloods may be kicked after an inactive period of at least six months. This is because the New Blood rank is merely a trial rank, and we'd rather not have them clutter the guild list.

1.4 I’m interested in joining ORB, but I don’t want to play an orcish character. Is this possible?
ORB is, as the name implies, an orc-only guild. It has always been like that and there have been no exceptions. It does not shame us to admit that we’re proud to be one of the only orc-only guilds still around on the WoW servers.

In the past, some did try to get their non-orc character into the guild in the past, but unfortunately, we just couldn't allow them in. You’re either orc or you’re not. However, this does not mean that trusted outsiders may be allowed to join in on our events if the occasion for it is suitable enough. Who knows, perhaps if you manage to stick around with the orcs long enough and prove to be an honorable ally, you might just be considered an honorary guest among them!

1.5 Should I choose to apply for membership to ORB, what are the things you will look for in my application?
You can find a list of the required information for your application here. The purpose of these question is to find out how much (RP) experience you have in WoW and whether you are somewhat familiar with the orcish lore in the Warcraft universe. As said, none of these are particularly mandatory to join, but it would give us a good view on you and your character’s experiences before we’ll decide whether or not you're ready to meet with us in-game for an IC interview.

Note that we very rarely turn down an application and at least try to have an IC talk with all serious applicants, so there's no need to worry about being rejected if you're the nervous type. If you’ve shown you will be able to RP your orc in accordance to the Warcraft universe and have a friendly, mature mind, there’ll be nothing stopping you from joining our ranks!

1.6 Does ORB have any level or class restrictions?
None at all. We consider levels and classes an OOC matter that should not influence our IC judgement on you or your character. However, we do prefer our applicants to be at least level 20 by the time they contact us IC, in order to show that they at least have a small degree of investment in their character. Moreover, our guild tends to move around the world of Azeroth or Draenor a great deal, so at least having a mount at your disposal will help a great deal in keeping up with the pack!

1.7 What kind of orcs does ORB accept?
Although some classes are more represented than some others, everyone certainly is welcome to give ORB a try. Do you play a paranoid warlock who trusts no one but his own demon lackeys? No problem. Do you play a traditional shaman who seeks to regain his ties with the spirits and the elements? Welcome all the same! Just bear in mind that, depending on your concept, your character may be regarded with different views. For example, a warlock or death knight will not be as easily trusted as a shaman.

We give every kind of orc a chance as long as he doesn't openly oppose the current Horde and, of course, does not disrespect his fellow orcs on every occasion. You’ll have to draw a line on how far you will want to take it in terms of IC distrust and grudges. We can tolerate a bit of disobedience every now and then, but lets be honest: no one, especially not orcs, wants a clansman who refuses to show any trust or loyalty on every occasion. That’s something you’ll have to keep an eye on yourself if you want to avoid the IC consequences. But other than that, anything goes!

1.8 What are the guild rules?
All of our guild rules can be reviewed here. Although they are mostly just mere guidelines, we do expect our members to know all of them as they become part of the guild in time. Aside from these, the official roleplaying policy and game policy of Blizzard are expected to be upheld as well.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


2.0 General information

2.1 I have heard of ORB before. How long have you been around?
ORB has been around since the start of the Defias Brotherhood server in 2005, when it was founded by its Matriarch, Akesha Redblade.

2.2 On which server can I find ORB?
ORB has been founded on the European RP-PvP server Defias Brotherhood. However, as of 9 June 2015, we have relocated to the European RP server of Argent Dawn instead.

2.3 Another orc guild? There's so many of them! What sets you apart?
There are indeed plenty of orc guilds around to choose from! The good thing is, however, that a lot of these guilds do tend to have an identity and culture of their own, both IC and OOC, so you will surely find several differences between them - including our own. As for ourselves, however, we pride ourselves on having been around since the earliest days of WoW Vanilla, promoting orc RP ever since. We take our primary inspiration from the tone that was set for orcs in Warcraft III, expanding that culture with additions of our own that we strive to keep lore-friendly, yet still open enough to allow for members to play around with their own interpretation. Moreover, we're loyal to the Horde, strive to maintain a friendly OOC environment while ensuring our IC environment is still as orcish as possible, and we're more than just a warband. Shamanistic and even civilian-minded RP is just as important to us than militaristic RP, which often takes the center stage in orc RP. We believe that spiritualism and orc culture are just as important - if not even more important - than the warrior spirit alone when it comes to shaping orc RP.

2.4 Does ORB have an active guild bank? How does it work?
We certainly do. We don’t have any strict rules on withdrawing gold or crafting or selling items, however. The amount of items and gold you can withdraw simply rely on your in-game rank in the guild. If you do not possess the required rank to withdraw a certain item or amount of gold however, don’t despair. You are always free to contact any of our officers to explain your situation and ask for a loan, if you happen to be in need of gold for a mount, for example.

2.5 How do you explain the IC guild chat?
In Character, the guild chat is what the clan refers to as a 'spirit link'. Through the blessing of the spirits that watch over the clan, each orc is able to commune with others over a distance (so long as they are on the same world) through a spiritually enhanced stone that each orc earns throughout his or her New Blood trials. When they take the Oath of Blood, they will be able to tap into the spiritual link that binds the orcs together in their pack mentality.

Some people may consider an IC guild chat as something illogical or immersion breaking. We simply use it to enhance our RP, however. On the Horde side, we don’t have any populated cities like Stormwind City to turn into reliable RP hubs. If we want to go out and find random RP on the Horde side, it might sometimes take a while before you run into a fellow RPer. An IC guild chat allows us to make it easier for each of our members to contact each other and make a certain appointment somewhere for some random RP or organise events. Moreover, an IC guild chat is a good way to get to know your fellow brothers and sisters even when you're out adventuring by yourself!

2.6 Is usage of the IC guild chat mandatory?
Not at all. We understand not everyone is enthusiastic about an IC guild chat. However, do keep in mind the IC guild chat might sometimes be used to announce certain events or important happenings, so you may want to keep an eye on it every now and then nonetheless.

2.7 Does ORB have any OOC channels?
For those who like to spam messages that don’t make sense or people who just want to chat with the people behind the characters, we do indeed have an OOC channel. This channel may be used for both orcs and non-orcish alts as well, as long as they’re a part of the guild or friends of the guild. This channel will be made known to you once you have been accepted, following your IC interview. If you’re a friend of the guild and would like access to it, don’t hesitate to contact any of our officers in-game to request permission to the channel either.

2.8 Where can I find ORB’s IC story?
You can find a history of Clan Redblade and the clan that followed in its wake in the Red Blade History thread.

In a nutshell, however, ORB is a clan that aims to unite every orc under one banner to fight for the orcish race and the New Horde as envisioned by Thrall. Their aim is to never be enslaved by demon masters again, and they consider themselves prepared to do whatever it takes to protect their hard-earned homeland. This way, ORB aims to offer a home for orcs of every clan.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


3.0 Guild Structure

3.1 Is ORB a clan?
While ORB previously referred to itself as a 'tribe' for IC reasons, we are now officially indeed a clan. The Redblade clan is a continuation of the old Clan Redblade from before the great wars and the invasion of Azeroth. However, while it identifies itself as a clan and has a defined clan culture of its own, it does allow orcs from other clans to join in and retain certain ties with their old clans as well so long as these do not conflict with the beliefs and customs of the Redblade clan.

3.2 Weren't you called a 'tribe' previously?
We were indeed! Ever since our reboot in November 2017, however, we decided to take the chance to 'rebrand' the guild as it were and make a real clan out of it. The reason for this is that we had long come to a point where the old tribe had so much culture and flavor embedded into its concept, that it felt justified to make its own clan out of it rather than a tribe.

3.3 Is it possible for my orc to remain loyal to his or her own clan?
While our identity as a tribe has changed to a clan, the concept of orcs retaining ties to their old clan is still very much an option due to the Red Blade clan's background as a mercenary company in the ancient days of Draenor. So even if you would rather not forsake the background or identity of your orc's original clan, it's still possible to swear fealty to the Red Blade. The only IC rule we have in place for this, is that any customs or beliefs that your orc retains from his or her old clan may not conflict with the Red Blade's. If a choice has to be made, it's expected that the Red Blade culture comes first and foremost.

3.4 What are the current ranks in ORB?
Throughout the years, ORB has had pretty much the same unaltered ranks of New Blood, Oathbound, Raider, Assassin, Red Guard, True Blood, High Blade, Overlord and Matriarch. Due to various changes throughout the years, some ranks have disappeared and come back in a renewed way, however. For example the Raider rank has been changed to the Nag’Ogar rank and Red Guard to Varog’Gor. All in all, you can find a full overview of all of our current ranks here.

3.5 What's the point of Pariahs?
The Pariahs are the so-called outcasts of orcish society. These are usually the exiled, criminals, warlocks or death knights. The reason for having this rank, is to allow players to retain their ties with us as a guild OOC, while knowing where they stand within our community as an outcast. Pariahs enjoy no particular IC or OOC privileges compared to the other ranks, but depending on their circumstances, it -is -possible for them to redeem themselves and one day become a fully fledged member of the clan once more. This may prove to be a difficult task, however.

3.6 What if I want to RP a normal civilian? Is there a place for me in the guild?
Both the Path of Wisdom and the Path of Strength are understandably quite demanding and very specialized when it comes to the roles it expects of its orcs. So for those orcs that don't feel like they would particularly fit either of these paths - be it due to ineptitude, lack of ambition or simply having a different craft altogether - we have the Clan Follower rank to accommodate any who wish to be a part of the clan but do not wish to progress in either path. These orcs will simply be considered as normal clansmen, employing whatever craft they choose yet enjoying no particular privileges. If one day your orc does decide to stake a claim, however, it will always be possible to try and join any of the Paths, of course.

3.7 Can orcs change their mind and transfer between the Paths?
If an orc decides that the chosen Path might not be for them, it is indeed possible to request a transfer to the other Path from any of the clan elders. The Chieftain will have to approve the transfer and any progress made in the old Path shall be lost, but there is no problem whatsoever in finding your fate elsewhere. Keep in mind, of course, that this should preferably be kept to a bare minimum. Switching back and forth will do neither you nor the clan any good!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


4.0 Non-members

4.1 I’ve seen a member of ORB behave OOC in an IC channel or break one of the guild's rules. What should I do?
Since we like to maintain our reputation of a respected RP guild, we would like to know right away if someone finds one of our members behaving OOC in any of the IC channels or breaking any of the other guild rules found here. Should this be the case and you happen to be on the spot, we would appreciate it if you were to notify any of our officers of the matter and, if possible, take a screenshot of the incident. Screenshots are essential if we want to have any form of proof of the incident, so we would very much appreciate it if you were to send a screenshot to any of our officers. You can do this by e-mail, on our forums or by copying the screenshot’s URL into an in-game chat.

4.2 I would like to speak to an officer of ORB on certain matters. Who should I contact?
You can find a list of all currently active ORB officers in the Officers of the Red Blade thread. You can either contact them in-game or via PM on these forums.

4.3 I’m interested in running events with ORB. How can I contact you?
ORB is always willing to either host events or take part in them! You can notify and invite us for any events by contacting our officers in-game, by mail or by posting a topic about it in the Contact Us board. Additionally, you can invite any of our active officers to your event on the in-game calendar. Said officer will make sure the rest of the guild is made aware of your event in the process.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


5.0 Forums

5.1 I’ve been accepted as a member into ORB, but I don’t seem to have full access to the forums yet. How can I get access?
You should be given full access to all of our forums once your application posted in the Applications forum has been accepted and closed. If you haven't been given access for whatever reason or have registered on the website after you've already joined, there is a Forum Access topic where you may post a reply to request access as well.

5.2 I’m no member of ORB, but I want to receive full access to your forums. Is this possible?
Given the proper reasons and connections, you can certainly be allowed access to the rest of the forums. However, you will have to contact and ask an officer and await the approval process of the administrator in the Forum Access topic before receiving this privilege.

5.3 Who are the orcs featured at the top of the website?
Every now and then, we make a habit of creating new banners on which various orc models are featured. These orcs are based upon members that have both been active for a good while as well as have made a healthy contribution to the guild, giving them a little spotlight in recognition of their lasting service. So yes, with the exception of the uncorrupted brown orcs who are prominent figures from the ancient Red Blade history, they are indeed based upon existing characters!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


6.0 Events

6.1 How often does ORB run events?
Generally, we have at least two to three regular events a week, excluding any random RP that may occur. For a full overview of these events, our members can consult the in-game calendar as well as our Guild Message of the Day at any time.

6.2 Who is and who isn’t allowed to organise events in ORB?
Anyone is allowed (and encouraged!) to organise events. Even our freshest New Bloods have been seen organising some events every now and then. However, you will have to keep in mind that organising an event is usually no easy task. Therefore, feel free to contact any officer or fellow Red Blade if you require any assistance, but do keep in mind the dates of any existing events that have already been planned on the calendar.

Of course, you will have to keep your IC rank in mind while you get these events sorted out. Since orcish society considers both honor and respect an important part of life, your orc may not be in a position to organise any training events or similar events that demand a good amount of respect or obedience from its participants. After all, it's unlikely a New Blood will end up commanding a higher ranked orc around, so keep this in mind when organising an event of your own.

6.3 Can I join ORB events as an outsider?
This depends entirely on the type of event you’ll want to participate in. Although friends of the guild may the tolerated in a tribal meeting, unknown outsiders will not easily be welcomed in such meetings. WPvP events are often open for any friends or allies of the guild to join, but make sure you check in with the event organiser if you wish to do so. Keep in mind, of course, that you’ll be required to be IC throughout the duration of all of these events.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


7.0 Player versus Player

7.1 Does ORB have any PvP rules?
A few, but nothing too strict. Since we have moved on from our RP-PvP roots on Defias Brotherhood, we have eased up on any PvP-enabling rules. However, we do still encourage our members to enable their PvP, should we end up in an IC confrontation with enemy Alliance players. We like to keep our RP as open-ended and as realistic as possible, so a little bit of risk involved in our open-world outings is always a welcome change!

Our only main rule is, of course, no corpse camping. We generally frown upon anyone continuously corpse camping or griefing players of the opposing faction. Should we get solid proof of such cases, you’ll only receive a single warning before you risk a guild kick. Exceptions to this rule is when it's concerning griefers or corpsecampers, as per the ancient orcish saying of "blood for blood".

7.2 Does ORB run any WPvP events?
Certainly! We strive to regularly organise RP-related PvP events when the time is right, and on occasion we even take part in the big, epic WPvP battles that WoW has to offer whenever they do occur. So long as we have a valid IC reason to take part in the bloody festivities, you can expect ORB to be a part of them.

7.3 Do you run any Rated Battlegrounds or Arenas?
Several of our members have regularly banded together to form arena groups as well as RBG groups. Cooperation within the guild's own ranks is in fact very much encouraged. Of course, keep in mind that we are an RP guild first and foremost. PvP will not take priority over RP for any of our members, so you should not be joining the guild for the sake of grouping up for any PvP.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


8.0 Player versus Environment

8.1 I want to be a member of ORB, but I’m interested in PvE as well. Do you run any PvE instances?
You're certainly free to join in on any PvE-activities from either the raid finder or other guilds entirely, but bear in mind that ORB is an RP guild first and foremost. We may organise nostalgia or gear runs or even make rare attempts at a serious raid, but PvE raids will never be our true focus. There's nothing stopping anyone from trying to set up a raid event on our calendar if they feel like tackling the big challenges with fellow guidies, however.

8.2 I want to join ORB, but I’m interested in high-end PvE as well. Can I swap back and forth from this guild to an PvE guild every now and then?
This is something we have seen on a few rare occasions in the past. We generally allow members to leave our ranks for some time if they really wish to try out some high-end PvE in a respected PvE guild. Should they prefer RP after some time again, they will still be allowed to come back in ORB without any questions asked.

However, keep in mind that our guild is no simple toy you can just pick up, play with for a little while and throw away again, only to pick it up again later for a small amount of time. We don’t want our members constantly switching between guilds to try out PvE content. Both IC and OOC, that will make the orc look disloyal towards the guild. We will want you to make a decisive choice sooner or later.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Last updated on 8-11-2017.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade