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October 16, 2024, 01:32:45 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Looking for us?

We're still around! But the focus has moved from our forums to our Discord community. If you're interested in contacting us or joining the guild, you're most welcome to join our Discord community here! Though of course, you're still welcome to peruse the forums for the plethora of guild-related information that you can still find there and is still used in-game to this day.

See you in Azeroth!
Orcs of the Red Blade Enter the Metaverse!

Orcs of the Red Blade has always striven to be at the forefront of the newest developments in the world of roleplay. Now, on April 1st 2022, we are pleased to announce our next step to help propel WoW RP into the future: Straight into the Metaverse!

As of today, ORB is embracing Web 3.0 technology by introducing its own cryptocurrency: The Shrewdcoin! Based on the clan’s most illustrious canine, the Shrewdcoin opens the door to a slew of possibilities that will benefit not only ORB’s stakeholders and other GMs who stand to gain from a monetized roleplaying experience, but also the roleplayers themselves in experiencing a new era of self-expression and self-idolization!

Along with Shrewdcoins, we will be introducing our very own non-fungible tokens: The Nominal Orcish Proprietary Effect! NOPEs will be obtainable exclusively with Shrewdcoins and for its first drop will allow you to own your very own piece of Red Blade history in the form of a representation of Chieftain Kozgugore Feraleye’s iconic costumes from throughout the years! These Chieftain avatars, acutely nicknamed “Kozzitars”, will sell for .0666 Shrewdcoins ($0.0009 at the time of writing), plus transaction fees.

For our first release, we will be selling 250 NOPEs in our first drop for a collection that will ultimately reach no less than 500,000 NOPEs. Those who purchase multiple NOPEs will have a chance to win exclusive prizes, such as being featured in the guild’s Message of the Day or becoming the guild’s GM (Chieftain) for a day.

In a first reaction, ORB’s GM Kozgugore had this to say:
Quote“I truly believe NOPEs and Shrewdcoins will set off a new era of IP creation, community development and roleplay monetization. Shrewdcoins will be a revolutionary way to introduce the “play to earn” concept that people have become so excited for into more households, while NOPEs will be the ultimate form of self-expression.

I believe that these new technologies and concepts will provide us with numerous opportunities to enrich people’s lives through digital entertainment, which is at the core of our guild. We remain committed to creating, developing, and providing world-class content, and we will contribute to the happiness of society and its people by offering new forms of excitement. With Shrewdcoins and NOPEs, I truly feel we are one step closer to fulfilling our original mission of enriching the Metaverse with the introduction of more Orcish customs and practices.”
The future is very meta, the future is very verse! Stay tuned for more announcements as Shrewdcoins and NOPEs will branch out for guild ranks, ancestral favours, two-second GIFs from our guild trailers, Verzan Skywise’s first ever Tweet, digital spots around the campfire and much more!
A Tribute to Kulgha

It is with great sadness on this Christmas day that we need to share the news that one of our members, Kulgha (also known as Karhla), has passed away last week on the 17th of December.

Kulgha had been battling with her illness for some time now, but her optimistic and helpful nature was an inspiration to all of us. She was warm, kind and always giving, and even when she felt poorly, she led events at the Kosh’harg. It’s no surprise, then, that she made many great friendships both in our community as well as outside of it. Which is why I feel we had to share this news a little more publicly as well.

Many of us had a plethora of treasured memories from our RP with Kulgha, who was always fully committed to something once she had a great idea, such as being the clan’s wolf handler. Out of character, too, she had a massive heart and was truly a great person to be around. Several times, she reached out to me when I was in a rather bad spot myself, and I know I’m not the only one for whom she did so for that matter. She truly cared for people, even when barely knowing them and having far worse things on her own mind what with everything that life threw at her.

Aka’Magosh to a wonderful person. You will be sadly missed, Kulgha. The world and Azeroth will be a poorer place now that you’re not in it.

Many thanks to Durgrol for sharing this news with us.
15 Year Anniversary

It's 9 October 2020, which means that the guild is officially 15 years old! To celebrate the occasion, we asked all of our members to speak a few words on why they are still in the guild, what they like about it, their favourite moments and whatever else came to their mind! Though the answers were all given on Discord, a thread has been made with a compilation of everyone's comments and screenshots on the forums here, so go on and have a look to see what members both old and new wanted to share! Here are a few highlighted comments to give an idea of what our members had to say.

You can view the entire 15 Year Anniversary Tribute thread here.

Quote15 years is looooong, and it surprises me even more that I've been here nearly 10 of those 15 years. Only few still rp right now from around the time I joined, people went away, others joined. Many friends were made over time <3 And many of my IRL friends are in here as well, which makes it extra special because I can enjoy some time with all of you online even though we live pretty far away from one another.

The thing I most appreciate here though is the way we stand together even through tough times (when we moved to AD for example) and the community is just a very strong thing, which I hope will stay around for a long time still! <3 Ya'll great.

-Rhonya / Kyrazha / Meri

QuoteHaving so many friends within the guild, and others too, always asking when I would come back, always warmed my heart!
Even on my undead I was always welcome to tag along, and gosh that where great times as well!
It always felt like coming home, and no one ever blamed me for leaving for a while again.
But now that I have a lot more experience, and my new char it's a big difference.
I'm where I should be, with all of you crazies, those I know IRL but also those only online, you are all amazing, and cant wait for many more years with all of you. <3

-Eliff / Realyn

QuoteYou guys aren’t just my roleplay bit on the side, your my online family. No matter what happens to the World of Warcraft in the future, I will remain in this community forever, thus is the blood bond in-game and out.


QuoteOrcs of the Red Blade is more than a guild-tag in a video game. It's a family, a community that supports each other through thick and through thin. It's your best friends sharing your favourite hobby. It's your agony aunts with an open ear to hear your worries. It's your boost of encouragement when you need that final push. 15 years doesn't just create amazing role-playing campaigns and character depth; it creates an established environment where you can feel safe, where you can feel wanted, no matter how much or how little you contribute. It's one in a million. Thank you OotRB. For the Blood!


QuoteI've had fun. Lots of fun, with most of you. You people are crazy and unbelievable at times, so forgiving and friendly and loving - it just blows my mind. I've been through quite a few guilds in my 15 years in this game and none have reached the level of humanity you lot did. I've been in guilds where tight-knit groups existed. The officers eventually turned on us. I've been to guilds that were run by families and claimed to treat each other like family. Bull@$&^. This community is one of a kind and I would not trade it for any other, even if I complain and you have to drag me screaming to events. Koz and everyone here, you've build something unique.


QuoteOrcs of the Red Blade has been a super welcoming and warm community to me from the day I met them at the Kosh'harg festival of spring 2019. Of all guilds on our realm, this is quite possibly the one with the most rich and deep guild culture. When I unexpectedly had nothing to do for 3 weeks, they let me tag along on their well-written Nazmir guild campaign despite the fact I was low level, wanted to remain guildless, and didn't ask until the day of departure itself. Thank you to every single member, and congrats on your monumental anniversary achievement!


QuoteThis is a very open, welcoming community. I posted in #negativity_and_ranting last week and the kind and sweet responses made all teary eyed. Also channels like #positivity_and_appreciation or the adorable photos in #photo_and_image_channel really add to the wholesome vibes. In-game I feel like there's this chill and caring atmosphere as well. I often have anxiety about the quality of my RP but the encouragement of people when I voice those doubts help dismiss them.
I feel safe and welcome in this guild in a way I've not felt in a long time. <3


QuoteI'm so new here I barely feel that I should comment but I can honestly say that I have not felt so welcome, encouraged and understood more in years. People so willing to lift others and help; to offer honest critique rather than snaps or negativity; to just be a family both IC and OOC. In my short time here it has been a confidence boost and a spur to get me back into doing the RP I love so much.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this guild, this family and I hope it will continue for many more years to come.

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